11 photos that will touch your hearts more than what a thousand words can

Everyone has heard the expression that an image is worth a thousand words. Sometimes, images are able to get points across better than words. When we think about political campaigns, billboard signs, or advertising, it's the images that leave a lasting impression. There are images engraved in our minds that we'll never forget; images that are so significant that we use them to shape our lives and our future. These images come in many shapes and sizes. Sometimes they are memories from childhood, while others are from moments in which we made important milestones in our lives.
The following images are moments from a particular moment in the following people's lives. Some are triumphant moments while others portray moments of setbacks, sadness, and uncertainty.
A man of steel!

After a long shift...

Best friends forever

Markiyan Matsekh playing the piano during the revolution in Ukraine

A son that just donated a kidney to his father

This young boy who just donated the hair he grew out for two years to a child cancer patient

Brian Banks thanking God on the football field after discovering he was exonerated in a rape case from 11 years ago

A soldier feeding a 2 month old kitten who lost its mom

Brian O'Driscoll, former captain of the Ireland rugby team, visit a sick girl in the hospital after winning the Heineken trophy

A granddaughter watching her grandfather cry at her school's Veteran's Day assembly

An infant born prematurely surviving despite all odds