In this maternity ward, parents and their newborn babies sleep together in a double bed just like at home

by Shirley Marie Bradby

February 15, 2020

In this maternity ward, parents and their newborn babies sleep together in a double bed just like at home

The arrival of a baby is a moment that to be defined as unforgettable would be simply an understatement.

For parents, giving birth to a new life is an occasion of joy that will be remembered for a lifetime. Often, however, the days and hours before delivery are not always easy to bear.

In particular, mothers, after struggling hard to give birth to a child, often wish to spend their first hours after delivery— alone with their baby in their arms, perhaps with the father also by her side.

However, this is not always possible because in most hospitals the maternity departments are not designed for such a circumstance that includes both mother and father.

For this reason, a French maternity ward has decided to do something concrete to allow families to be together immediately after the birth of their baby.

via France 3


For example, a large double bed that can accommodate both the parents and the newborn baby. And if this seems strange, you may have to change your mind, because the maternity ward in the Groupe Hospitalier Mutualiste GMH) in Grenoble, France, has done just that.
In this private hospital, the rooms have been furnished with real "family-sized" beds on which parents can enjoy together, in comfort, the first hours of their newborn's life.
As the Group Hospitalier explains on its Instagram account, in doing so "couples can feel at home, strengthen the parent-child bond, and allow oxytocin, the love hormone, to continue to function as it should."


The GHM project in Grenoble has been funded thanks to a crowdfunding campaign, which made it possible for the organizers to raise a little over 8,000 USD (7400 EUR).
Now, thanks to the comfortable double beds, parents, and their newborn babies can find themselves together embracing each other side by side and reap precious benefits from such direct and loving personal contact.
And this is particularly important after such a fundamental life experience and equally delicate moments such as those lived immediately after bringing a new being into the world.

Public domain pictures

Public domain pictures

Consequently, the personal experiences lived by the parents and their newborn babies in the special bedrooms show that it is really possible to feel at home—in a comfortable, relaxed, and warm family environment.
To summarize: This commendable project makes the hospital stay to give birth to a baby, a more peaceful moment and an opportunity for parents to begin to cultivate their relationship with their newborn baby in the best way possible.
