Wife, mother, and employee are all roles that produce an accumulation of stress that can cause a facial paresis

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 12, 2020

 Wife, mother, and employee are all roles that produce an accumulation of stress that can cause a facial paresis

Stress is a phenomenon to which we are all subject, some more and some less, and which in the long run can be the cause of an infinite number of health problems.

Danielle Ferguson is a very active woman - you can follow her on her Instagram page - who, without even realizing it, had accumulated excessive levels of stress.

She is a great worker, an attentive mother, and a faithful companion.

And even if these are completely normal roles to play, it can happen that one can feel overwhelmed by these aspects of life and, if you do not take care of yourself, you are liable to explode.

Danielle, in fact, woke up one day with the right side of her face paralyzed. According to her doctor, the paresis was caused by stress.

via Instagram / Dani Ferguson

Instagram / Dani Ferguson

Instagram / Dani Ferguson

She thought that what she had been feeling were the symptoms of a cold and instead, one morning, Danielle woke up with half of her face aching.

She was immediately rushed to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with facial paresis. The causes? An accumulation of stress.

Yet Danielle said that she did not feel stressed, so the news took her completely by surprise.

"My tongue seemed numb and my jaw hurt a lot; almost as if someone had hit me or I had gritted my teeth all night." - is how Danielle described the feeling with which she had woken up that morning.

The truth is that stress often builds up and we do not even notice it. But when the various physical and mental problems manifest themselves, then we realize how serious the situation has become.

Instagram / Dani Ferguson

Instagram / Dani Ferguson

Very concerned about her condition, Danielle has tried several types of treatments—from acupuncture to oxygen therapy and she is now slowly recovering.

Moreover, on Instagram, she has become a source of inspiration for those who have had the same type of problem.

In fact, her positive spirit and resolve to recover completely has convinced and helped many others not to give up while dealing with this difficulty.
