This is why it is very important to drink a glass of water immediately after getting up

by Mark Bennett

September 13, 2023

This is why it is very important to drink a glass of water immediately after getting up

Experts recommend staying well hydrated, especially during the summer season where the temperature can get very high. Our bodies are made up of approximately 70% water and it therefore goes without saying how important, indeed vital, this precious liquid is for us.

Given this, there are ways of drinking water that can bring significant benefits to our health. Let's see what these are:

via Medicinenet

The importance of drinking at least one glass of water in the morning

The importance of drinking at least one glass of water in the morning

yanalya/Freepik - Not the actual photo

The first piece advice is to drink at least one glass of water immediately after waking up: during the night, especially with high humidity, our body tends to sweat and therefore lose a lot of liquid. So a glass of water in the morning is just what you need to replenish water reserves.

The ideal temperature for the water should be cool - at room temperature if possible. Avoid drinking ice-cold water directly from the fridge. The recommended amount to drink is around three full cups of water, and it may take your body to take some time to adapt to drinking this amount of water.

Furthermore, age, physique, "general condition" and the work we carry out are all factors that contribute to establishing the correct quantity of liquid: our advice is purely generic. But why is it so important to drink water in the morning?


Method of intake and amount of water recommended

Method of intake and amount of water recommended


Water should be drunk before having breakfast so, you should wait at least 45 minutes before eating: this allows the liquid to flow through the body and eliminate the toxins that have accumulated during the night! But there's more...

Drinking a lot helps to reduce the feeling of being hungry and this can be very useful when you are on a diet, as attested to by the famous "Japanese Water Diet".

But in addition to this, drinking water in the morning also has a number of other positive effects: water "rinses" the body out from the inside and has a cleansing effect by supporting the function of the kidneys. The metabolism is set in motion and digestion is aided with water. Furthermore, the skin, hair and even the immune system benefit from drinking water. We therefore advise you to get into the habit of drinking one or more glasses of water first thing when you wake up and perhaps wait a little before having breakfast: your body will thank you!
