This woman spent the night with a terminally-ill dog, comforting him in his last moments

Unfortunately, life with a dog or cat is not just about happy moments, lighthearted games, pampering, and cuddling.
Also our four-legged friends, just like us, can get sick and experience critical health conditions. As an owner, these are moments that you will not soon forget.
In such contexts, a human who has been close to their four-legged friend knows how important it is to give their pet comfort, security, affection, and kindness right up to the end.
And it is precisely this, that the woman who played the leading role in our story decided to do, with a gesture that has touched many people.
via The Dodo

Her name is Janine Guido, she lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and she works for a humanitarian organization called Hope Animal Rescue, which deals with severely neglected and abused animals saved from street life or surrendered by their owners.
Among the many unfortunate creatures hosted by the animal refuge, Janine was particularly struck by a pitbull, renamed Watson, whose health was certainly not the best.
The dog, in fact, was suffering from a tumor in its back and the veterinarians, after a thorough examination, came to the conclusion that, for him, there were was a very short life expectancy.
This was because the tumor pathology was at such an advanced stage that cancer treatments would have done little to save it.
So, after a short while, Watson's condition got much worse and Janine, without thinking twice, decided to assist him until the end, in a moment that was certainly very difficult for the dog.
Consequently, the woman gathered warm blankets and pillows, and since she could not do anything else for him, she decided to just lie down near the poor dog to spend the night with him.

A simple gesture, but of enormous significance. The dog, for sure, understood that there was a human friend beside him who, with all her affection was trying to comfort him.
So, he cuddled up next to Janine and fell asleep, until the next morning, when his body failed and Watson died.
A sad story, without a doubt, but at the same time comforting and that leaves a sense of peace.
In the midst of so much pain, this dog managed to live its last hours loved and protected, just as it should have been during its life.