They fell in love in high school but they waited 45 years to get married

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 16, 2019

They fell in love in high school but they waited 45 years to get married

In 1967, Myra Clark and Andrew Howard Foster met and got to know each other during their high school years, and fell madly in love.

Although at that time marriage between two people of different ethnicity had become legal in the state of Virginia, many people did not approve of the relationship between Andrew and Myra.

This is their moving love story that was successfully crowned 45 years later ... with a wedding!

via Washington Times

Howard Foster and Myra Clark were high school sweethearts who were forced to break up in the 1960's due to racist social...

Pubblicato da Good People are Everywhere su Martedì 1 maggio 2018

After attending high school, the two then temporarily separated as Andrew decided to pursue his studies at the Columbus Technical Institute, where he had some professors who displayed biased behavior in his regard and furthermore, at that time he was also the only black student at the prestigious American college.

Fortunately, this situation did not stop Andrew from getting a good education but understanding the difficulties that a relationship between them would have created, Andrew decided to leave Myra permanently to spare himself and her from being subjected to the negative behavior of biased people, both black and white.

Therefore, the two subsequently separated, leading separate lives and they both married other people and lead a normal married life which for both ended with the death of their respective spouses due to age or illness.

This was their situation until 2013 when Myra met Andrew again through a nurse at Mount Carmel Hospital in Ohio where she worked.

Edwin Wilson/YouTube

Edwin Wilson/YouTube

Since their reunion, they have never left each other and got married on 01 August 2014, a full 45 years after their breakup due to the biased mentality of both white and black Americans that existed in the state of Virginia in the 1960s.

Now, fortunately, things have completely changed in the United States and interracial marriages are very common, and above all, they are considered to be normal and the proof that true love overcomes every obstacle and every barrier.

Love has no boundaries and must always be left free to express itself!

Edwin Wilson/YouTube

Edwin Wilson/YouTube

Many best wishes to Andrew and Myra, who waited 45 years to fulfill their dream!
