He was the first customer to enter Disneyland and every year he returns thanks to his lifetime pass

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 15, 2019

He was the first customer to enter Disneyland and every year he returns thanks to his lifetime pass

Children, you know, love going to theme parks and, if they could, they would spend entire days on the different rides and participating in the fun attractions.

Many adults also find it amusing to spend a few hours in theme parks! They can once again feel and act like a child and relax and enjoy themselves between laughter and exhilarating rides.

Even if you have never been to an amusement park, you have heard of Disneyland for sure. Besides, who doesn't know about Disneyland? The world-famous Walt Disney amusement park inspired by the characters created by Walt Disney himself in his own cartoons and movies, that are so loved by all.

The very first Disneyland theme park was inaugurated in 1955 by Walt Disney himself (the only opening he was able to attend), in Los Angeles. And at that event, there was also someone else who would become a very special character -- a character who would return to that park every year of his life.

via this day in disney history



Dave MacPherson is of Scottish descent and was 22 years old in 1955, studying at Long Beach State College and was a particularly carefree and adventuresome young man!

The magical day of the Disneyland theme park opening, Dave was already there at 2:00 am, many hours  before the official opening, because he wanted to secure the positon of being first in line at all costs!

Dave MacPherson, in fact, was the first customer to set foot in Disneyland. Before that, the theme park had been opened only to the Disney family and other celebrities the day before on 17 July 1955. And, Dave had also seen the festive air inside the park very well in the television broadcast of the event.

So, he decided that it would be great to be the first of the common, ordinary people like himself to first set foot in Disneyland!



After traveling ten miles on his motorbike in the middle of the night and arriving at the ticket box office at 2:00 am, Dave managed to buy the first ever ticket that the Disneyland theme park had ever printed.

His initiative and enterprising nature were handsomely rewarded with an additional ticket ... a ticket that is always valid, and good for his entire lifetime!





This is the complimentary ticket that Dave received that famous day on 18 July 1955!

This is the complimentary ticket that Dave received that famous day on 18 July 1955!




Subsequently, Dave received a Disneyland "lifetime pass" that is valid for life, for being the first common, ordinary citizen to enter the Disneyland theme park on 18 July 1955.

Since then, the man has gladly returned to Disneyland every year, also together with his family and friends, continuing to have fun and becoming a little bit more a child each time.



Dave MacPherson was, at the time, the lucky young man who  had 6000 people behind him in line, anxiously waiting, as he, as the first customer, crossed the threshold of the most famous amusement park in the world.

Today, he is a nice, fun-loving grandfather who still enjoys himself, together with his family, as he relives the magical moments of his youth.
