This 16-year-old boy does not let his 71-year-old wife leave home alone for fear that other men might try to take her away

by Shirley Marie Bradby

July 06, 2019

This 16-year-old boy does not let his 71-year-old wife leave home alone for fear that other men might try to take her away

It is not uncommon to hear of couples with a fairly large age difference.

And, if it has always been normal for a man to have a much younger companion, in the last few years the same is also true for mature women with very young partners.

In any case, today's story even goes a bit beyond what is now accepted by society.

The peculiarity lies in the fact that this time the age gap between the young husband and his adult wife is 55 years, practically the same age difference between a grandmother and a grandson.



His name is Selamet and he is 16 years old, her name is Rohaya and she is 71 years old. If we looked only at the numbers, we would suspect that something besides love is behind this unusual relationship.

Perhaps one would think of an economic convenience or some other kind of psychological dynamics that have led to this union.

Yet those who know the two report that they are truly happy and that they really love each other.

The husband who is barely an adolescent is even so jealous and protective of his elderly wife, that he has often not attended religious functions, for fear that someone might try to take her away.



According to the rules of his doctrine, women cannot attend the same religious functions but after the first difficulties the priest also accepted that Rohaya had to be present, in order to convince the boy not to neglect his faith.

This is a relationship that is definitely outside the box and that every day faces inquisitive looks, comments, and prejudices, but that happily continues regardless of everything.

At first, it was difficult to make the respective families accept this special union, but their commitment and the strength of their feelings allowed them to continue forward despite the obstacles.

The "newlyweds" went to Jakarta for their honeymoon and reported that it was wonderful. 

Although time is not on their side, especially for Rohaya, the couple always talks about the future, also discussing the possibility of having children.

They have even chosen the names already: Putri Permata Sari, in case, the baby is a girl, and Andre Maulana, in case it is a boy!



The symbiosis between the two is tangible and very strong; they cannot live without each other, and spend every moment of the day together.

Unfortunately, Rohaya has already been taken to the hospital for various forms of physical exhaustion, but despite the obvious limitations and problems, things proceed with courage and optimism, and above all ... with love!


