Here is Macho, the "hero dog" who saved a newborn baby girl abandoned behind some thick bushes!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

July 04, 2019

Here is Macho, the "hero dog" who saved a newborn baby girl abandoned behind some thick bushes!

Once again, our four-legged friends are the protagonists of this new story of compassion and heroism that all of us human beings should take as an example.

Thanks to the tenacious gesture of this extraordinary dog, an example of the Jack Russell terrier, a newborn baby girl was saved from a tragic fate!

The community where the event transpired, gives its heartfelt thanks not only to the owner of the brave animal but also to Macho, a true "hero dog".

via Metro UK



The incident happened in St. Petersburg in Russia, when the owner of the dog, a pensioner, was intrigued by the barks of his Jack Russell terrier dog, named Macho that insisted on pulling him towards the edge of a road, where a newborn baby girl had been abandoned behind some thick bushes.

The dog owner immediately picked up the newborn baby girl, who was suffering from hypothermia, and therefore, did not cry but still managed to move her little arms and legs.

The man, who had been adverted by Macho, immediately rushed to the Russian National Guard patrol that he had seen near the park where the newborn baby was found, and the baby was instantly transported to the nearest hospital.



Now the newborn baby is out of danger and in full recovery, and the Russian National Guard is seriously thinking of decorating Macho, the brave Jack Russell terrier, with a medal of honor! Without Macho's barks and tenacious insistence, the newborn baby would probably never have been saved! 

What a beautiful story of hope and heroism ... Bravo Macho!
