An 83-year-old grandfather decides to take the middle school exam to get his diploma! Discover why!

We all know that in our lives, we never stop learning, and it is not just a metaphorical way of speaking that refers to life experiences.
In fact, there are those individuals who continue until an advanced age to learn new concepts, new information, and to acquire new skills.
Just like grandfather Domenico, an elderly man who lives in Bari, in southern Italy, who at the venerated age of 83 decided to go back to middle school to get his eighth-grade diploma.
Why did he do it? For the sweetest reason, you can imagine!

In grandfather Domenico's time going to school was a completely different matter! Poverty was rampant and students were crammed four to school desk bench and education ended as soon as it was possible to find a job and go to work.
But it was the birth of his grandchildren that changed everything! Often in the evening's, Domenico found himself reading and telling simple stories to his grandchildren, and right at that time, he began thinking about an idea that he had always had in the back of his mind. He wondered: "What if I decided to satisfy a personal desire to finally be able to study and get my middle school diploma?"
So, for a whole year, Dominic studied Italian, French, mathematics, science, technology ... in short, all the subjects he needed to take the exam. His was a very diverse middle school classroom, made up of immigrants eager to get a diploma, retired parents, who in their mature age wanted to continue to reach personal objectives, young workers who wanted to aspire to a better position or a promotion. In short, everyone there had a particular story that was sometimes painful but they were all eager to start a new path through education, study, and knowledge.
And so instead of spending the evening playing cards or watching TV, Dominic prepared seriously for his exam and his progress, his teachers, confirmed were evident! In fact, it was so obvious, that his grandchildren also noticed, seeing the ease with which their grandfather spoke to them about topics that once were unknown to him!
Domenico's story is a beautiful demonstration of the fact that in life, we should never take anything for granted! Even at 89 years of age, one can simply decide to go back to school, for personal interest, to make a dream never realized come true or even just to be able to read fairy tales to one's grandchildren.