At 10 years of age, she receives a tortoise as a gift and 56 years later they are still inseparable

by Shirley Marie Bradby

May 18, 2019

At 10 years of age, she receives a tortoise as a gift and 56 years later they are still inseparable

Whoever owns one or more pets, knows very well that pets become full family members.

In fact, pet owners know their pet's character, their daily habits, and take care of them every day, knowing they can count on their pet's unconditional affection.

This is why the loss of a pet represents an emotional blow, despite having somehow been prepared to see them pass away from the moment they were adopted, given their short life span compared to ours. 

Obviously, there are surprising exceptions, and Jeanna Smith is one of them; or rather, her 56-year-old tortoise, George, is!



The friendship between Jeanna and George began when, for her tenth birthday, her father gave her a tortoise, knowing that her daughter loved these animals. In fact,  until then, every summer Jeanna had adopted a tortoise and released it in the countryside, in autumn.



Furthermore, with this gift, her parents wanted Jeanna, by taking care of the tortoise, to learn to take on the responsibility of caring for another living being, and consequently become more mature. However, no one knew how strong the link between the two would become.



It was 1962 and since then Jeanna and George have practically never been separated!

In fact, as a young girl, Jeanna used to carry the tortoise around in a basket on her bicycle, and she also always took him on vacation with her, wherever she went.

Consequently, soon, even her family and her friends became attached to George, who let himself be pampered and spoiled, with kiwi and strawberries waiting for him under the tree every Christmas, and matching masks for him and Jeanna every Halloween.



Growing up, as a young woman, Jeanna took her tortoise, George with her to college, despite the dormitory rules prohibiting the presence of pets - but George was immediately able to win the sympathies of all the students, who never betrayed Jeanna's secret. 

Then when Jeanna met her future husband, Kirby, he too could not resist George's charm, and he was glad that George was part of the family that he and Jeanna intended to create together; thus, also Jeanna and Kirby's children grew up in the company of this amazing turtle.



In any case, Jeanna has now passed the age of 60, and George continues to be at her side, even though he has allowed himself a few exciting escapades in their neighbors' garden!

On average, the life span of a tortoise, like George, is between 40 and 60 years, but in captivity, they can live up to 100 years! Therefore, Jeanna believes that George could outlive her, and has already stipulated in her last will and testament that he be entrusted to her daughter.

This is a truly rare friendship, which has managed to overcome the boundaries of childhood and to accompany Jeanna up to old age. Just watch the video and think about how many friendships can boast a similar duration?
