Your mom is the only friend who will always be there for you, for better or for worse

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 18, 2019

Your mom is the only friend who will always be there for you, for better or for worse

Love is an extraordinary and universal feeling, and it can unite people to one another, in all its forms, both when it binds two soulmates and when it manifests itself as affection between family members.

Among these, however, the biggest, deepest, and most intense is certainly that of a mother for her son or daughter.

It is something immense and unconditional, which begins the moment a woman feels life growing within her womb, and continues forever.




The innate instinct of protection, the indissoluble connection between bodies and souls is not easy to explain in words, so much so that it is usually said: "You will discover what it means to really love when you become a mother". But a mother is not only someone who gives birth to a child, but she is also the one who nurtures it, feeds it and defends it from everything, even to the point of sacrificing her own life.

A woman's life, her whole world, changes radically before and after having a child. In fact, a woman discovers the joy and the responsibility of possessing the most precious treasure; happiness mixed with worry; and joy mixed with fear. All because a mother always wants the best for her baby, and that her child might never know pain and disappointment.

A mother is capable of incredible strength and courage, fighting to overcome adversities, and being driven by the desire to dedicate her every breath to her child. There are often those who criticize excessive attachment or "too much love", but a mother must never limit herself, she must just let nature take its course.

Your mom is the only friend who will always be there for you, for better or for worse - 2

In the noble profession of being a mother a woman can certainly make mistakes but guided by her heart and the boundless good she wishes for her child, she will never fail.

She will be present whenever she is needed, forgetting her fatigue and despite old age. For better or worse a mother will always be on the side of her child even as an adult, still seeing he or she eternally as a small child with a mother's eyes.

Due to all of this and more, saying thank you, is not enough. However, a mother does not ever expect to be thanked, because, for her, everything has already been repaid in advance, the day her child came into the world.
