They became friends in the hospital and 4 years later they met again for a moving photo shoot!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 14, 2019

They became friends in the hospital and 4 years later they met again for a moving photo shoot!

There are stories that give hope, help us to trust in life, and make us think that in the end, anything is possible.

Miracles sometimes happen, even more than one at a time, as in the case of four little girls who found themselves in the same place two years ago, for the same reason.

The place was a hospital and the reason was for cancer treatment.

Chance or fate brought them together, their common condition brought them together, and here's how it went.



McKinley, Chloe, Ava, and Lauren were all about four or five years old when they first met in the oncology ward at the John Hopkins All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Ava, Lauren, McKinley had been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and Chloe had a rare form of lung cancer.



The four little bald-headed patients immediately bonded, having in common the same situation, the same feelings, and fears. They gave each other affection, comfort, and courage, and day after day they became great friends.



For a child of that age, it is difficult and sad to experience such a drama, but being together made everything lighter and more bearable.

Knowing that one is not alone, and seeing other "sisters" who had the same strange physical appearance, made each of them feel a little more normal and confident about what would happen.



Just like the little girls, their mothers also soon formed a solid relationship, being able to finally confide in other women who lived the same fear and anxiety for their little girls every day. After two years of treatment, the girls were cured and declared cancer-free and they were discharged from the hospital.



To celebrate the wonderful news and celebrate their friendship, McKinley, Chloe, Ava, and Lauren decided to meet in the place where they originally met, in the place where they were reborn, along with all the medical and nursing staff who helped them in the long and difficult months and who had saved their lives.

Seeing the photos, that had been taken at the beginning of their journey and looking at them again now, everyone's heart fills with joy and emotion. Now the four friends are ready to start school again and above all, to truly start their lives.

This beautiful story shows how love and affection can help to face and overcome any challenge.
