They met 84 years ago and have been friends ever since and every year they celebrate their birthday together!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

February 01, 2019

They met 84 years ago and have been friends ever since and every year they celebrate their birthday together!

How many people cross our path during our lifetime? And how many of these travel a long stretch of road with us? Few, very few.

In addition, the more we advance in age, the more the people we surround ourselves with become fewer and fewer --- because only true friends remain.

The story of these two elderly ladies is unbelievable! Having the same friend since childhood is beautiful, but imagine a friendship that has lasted 84 years.

Yes, in fact, the bond of friendship between these two lovely ladies has lasted for all these years!




Phyllis Hines and Barbara Noone met when they were young 12-year-old girls with a lifetime in front of them. Their meeting resulted in a strong friendship that perhaps neither of them imagined would last so long.



Their friendship did not stop either of them from building an independent life: they both worked, got married, and started a family. To prevent their commitments from keeping them too far away, they always tried to see each other at least once a month

After adolescence, in fact, there was less and less time to spend together - as it normally happens when you grow up - but their desire to be together has never been lacking. Moreover, they do not count the hours spent in each other's company, but the quality of time spent together.



Today, they are both 96 years old and the most recent time that they have spent together was to celebrate their birthday since their birthdays are only a few days apart. For as long as they can remember, they have always celebrated their birthdays this way, every year, together.



According to Phyllis, there has never been a real fight between them or a period in which they did not frequent each other. They have always been free to live their own lives, allowing the bond between them to grow and strengthen year after year, precisely by virtue of mutual respect. 

Theirs is a great example of friendship --- when the feeling is mutual, spontaneous, and free it is easy for friendship to last so long!
