7 things a child will never know about their mother

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 31, 2019

7 things a child will never know about their mother

Each mother will tell her child, sooner or later, about their birth and the road they traveled together during her pregnancy.

A mother will tell her child the fear she felt when her water broke, the rush to get to the hospital, the hours of labor, and finally the joy of welcoming the long-awaited baby in her arms.

There will be other aspects, however, that much more likely a mother will keep to herself, deep in her loving heart.

Not because she does not want to share memories with her son, but because certain emotions are so strong that translating them into words would not do them justice. And it is therefore right that they remain unexpressed. 

Here are 7 things that children will never know about their mothers.

via upworthy.com



During the nine months a woman experiences feelings that will make her a mother; some of these sentiments a woman will end up not telling anyone, not for any reason in particular, but because every woman carries a bag full of secrets. For example, to her child, she would never say ... 

  • 1. "You made me cry a lot" 

 A mother cries when she discovers she is pregnant. When she gives birth to her child. When they finally bring the baby and put it in her arms. A mother cries tears of happiness, fear, and worry. She cries because she is so close to the feelings of her baby that she knows when her baby is happy, sad, or not feeling well. 

  • 2. "You hurt me" 

When her baby pulls her hair by mistake or for play or when her baby's tiny fingers - impossible to loosen - cling to her when the baby starts nursing milk. Even when the baby gave her its first kick in her stomach, it hurt, and eventually, it hurt when her muscles contracted like never before to give birth to her baby.



  • s3. "I was afraid"

Fear accompanies a woman from the first moments when she becomes a mother. She's afraid when someone holds her baby in their arms because inside her she knows that no one can keep her baby as safe as she can. She is scared when, having grown up, she does not see him come home late at night, and for this reason, she stays up to see him come back home safe and sound. She is afraid when her child has a fever and the only thing left to do is to be near him, even if she is helpless. A mother is always afraid, but in the end she knows that fear is her ally. 

  • 4. "I discovered how imperfect I am" 

When the birth is still far away, a mother prepares herself to be a perfect mother; the best version of what she had from own mother as a child. But life steps in and ruins all her plans. Projects and good intentions are more difficult to achieve and often a woman thinks that she is imperfect for these reasons. Only time will make her understand that a child does not need perfection to grow well, only a mother who hugs her child tightly with love.



  • 5. "I lost a lot of sleep that will never be recovered" 

All mothers will have to find within themselves the strength needed to do without those hours of sleep that are highly recommended by doctors. There will be nights when a woman will stay up until dawn to pray that her child will fall asleep and when the child does, a mother will still not immediately fall asleep from exhaustion but, no, she will spend another 10 minutes observing the perfection and the beauty of her baby. Only then will she try to go to sleep. 

  • 6. "I always put you first"

It will happen that mom wants the last piece of cake that her child also wants to eat. It can also happen that a mother wants to rest, but outside it is sunny and is time for her child to go out and play. In all these and other situations, a mother will never have doubts about what is the best thing to do because as difficult as it is and as much as such an effort costs, she will always put her child first.

There is one last thing that a mother will never tell her child ...

There is one last thing that a mother will never tell her child ...


  • 7. "... And I would do it all over again"

Being a mother is one of the biggest challenges in a woman's life and there will be situations in which she will feel like she has really touched the bottom. A mother cries, tries, fails, rejoices and learns. It is a job that never ends and that gives the type of joy that nothing else in life can give. 

Despite all the physical and psychological suffering, the sleepless nights, and getting up at dawn, a child can always bet that their mother would do everything all over again it leads back to them!
