6 things to do according to the Dalai Lama to fight envy and negative energies

We live our lives surrounded by negative energies and the testimony is direct when we personally experience sentiments like envy and anger.
These feelings damage our mental well-being and compromise our peace and tranquility. It is the Dalai Lama himself who informs us of six actions to take to ward off all this negativity and recharge ourselves with positive energy.
The journey will not be easy, but with patience and constancy, we can reach the goal and be both physically and spiritually regenerated and reinvigorated.
via dalailama.com

Tranh ảnh, Thangka Hình Phật/Facebook
- 1. Leave and let go: It is better to leave and let go of the negative people in our lives in order to not be continuously influenced by them. One of the Dalai Lama's suggestions is: "If someone looks for a trash can to throw away the trash, try not to let it be your soul."
- 2. Say "no" to anger: If those around us are envious of us, do not let them know, by getting angry, that they annoy us because, as the Tibetan monk says, "Anger is a sign of weakness, rather than of strength."
- 3. Say "yes" to peace: We must always be bearers of peaceful messages to ensure that negative energies do not harm us. The Dalai Lama says: "It is much better to make friends, understand oneself, and strive to serve humanity rather than criticize and destroy."

- 4. Positive mind, healthy body: Thinking positive thoughts chases negativity away and helps our mind and also our body to not become sick. In fact, "If the mind is occupied by positive thoughts, it is difficult for the body to become ill," says the Dalai Lama.
- 5. Living in tranquility: We must learn to live with the awareness that striving seriously to achieve something should not create negative sentiments and moods. Living calmly helps us to better cope with whatever happens to us, without being guided by negative forces. "Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck," advises the Dalai Lama.
- 6. The value of silence: When anger and envy are about to prevail, it is better to breathe deeply and repeatedly, and not respond so that you can nip negative emotions in the bud. Once again, the Dalai Lama tells us: "Silence is often the best answer to give."