The powerful prayer to St. Benedict to remove bad and envious people

According to legend, St. Benedict left Rome to escape a life that was too chaotic and heavy to sustain. He settled in a small town, finding refuge in a cave, praying, and living as a hermit.
The shepherds in the area broke his isolation, spreading his story and inviting more and more people to turn to him for blessings and advice. In 529, he founded the Benedictine Order at the Montecassino Abby.
Saint Benedict is the protector of engineers, farmers, dying people, and those with kidney problems. This is the prayer that is often addressed to him to ask him to direct the path and remove every obstacle.

Oh, glorious father, St. Benedict! Abbot fervent and exemplary, my great kind protector and all those who come to you to beg, turn away from me every evil influence, all the evil of my enemies and free me from the dangers of the soul and the body.
Intercede for me before the Lord to alleviate my suffering and the serious difficulties that I suffer.
Separate, condemn, and reject, with the powerful intercession of the Cross, every evil person and every malice that can be directed against me, against my family and my closest friends.
Free me from the fate of heresies, spells, charms, and sorceries, remove from me every enemy, remove the violent, the liar, the envious, the evil neighbor, the selfish, and the traitor.
Protect me from anger, hatred, jealousy, and resentment, from gossip, intrigue, and defamation.
Do not let them attack me physically or mentally, keep away those who want to hurt me in my daily life, at work, in love or at home, deliver me from all evil and perversity, especially from what worries me:
(At this point, confide in St. Benedict the problem that most afflicts you, to ask for God's help)
I ask you in your kindness, you who have been a saint with fervor, you who have not anything before Christ since you discovered him through prayer, grant me your kind intercession.
Glorious Father Saint Benedict, with your unlimited power over harmful forces, protect me, lift me and defend me from all evil, help me to trust the love of God, our Father, and reach the perfection of my Christian life, for the health of my body, mind, and soul.