How to turn an old bathtub into a pond ... and other crazy ideas for a garden!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

September 18, 2018

How to turn an old bathtub into a pond ... and other crazy ideas for a garden!

Whoever has a garden, possesses a real treasure! No matter how small it may be, in fact, a green corner in our living environment allows us to maintain contact with nature, which is extremely beneficial for our spirit.

In fact, whether we just relax in the open air or do various tasks, a garden revives us.

It is a good idea then, to spend more time, perhaps enhancing a garden with some original ideas. Like for example, the ones that we propose here! These are gardening solutions involving fountains, waterfalls, and ponds of various sizes.

By the way, which one inspires you the most?

1. With a little effort, an old bathtub can be transformed, in an easy way, into a small garden pond! This garden solution is particularly suitable for sandy or rough terrain.

1. With a little effort, an old bathtub can be transformed, in an easy way, into a small garden pond! This garden solution is particularly suitable for sandy or rough terrain.



2. If you have a boat that is so old that it is no longer safe in the water --- fantastic! Just fill up the boat with water and create a small goldfish pond!

2. If you have a boat that is so old that it is no longer safe in the water --- fantastic! Just fill up the boat with water and create a small goldfish pond!


3. Decorative ruins are currently in fashion and can be further enhanced by a beautiful fountain.

3. Decorative ruins are currently in fashion and can be further enhanced by a beautiful fountain.


4. Even a small pond can be of great effect - especially if it is enclosed in a broken but still beautiful globe.

4. Even a small pond can be of great effect - especially if it is enclosed in a broken but still beautiful globe.


5. In a Plexiglas column container, a water pump is positioned so that the nozzle is horizontal with respect to the ground. In this way, a vortex is created which gradually raises the water up and over the edge!

5. In a Plexiglas column container, a water pump is positioned so that the nozzle is horizontal with respect to the ground. In this way, a vortex is created which gradually raises the water up and over the edge!



6. This fish observation tower is very impressive! When a giant glass jar is turned upside down and set on a submerged stand in your pond then the negative water pressure lets the water rise up, fill the inside, and remain inside! The fish in the pond can swim in and out of the glass jar and back into the pond as they please --- and they love it!

6. This fish observation tower is very impressive! When a giant glass jar is turned upside down and set on a submerged stand in your pond then the negative water pressure lets the water rise up, fill the inside, and remain inside! The fish in the pond can swim in and out of the glass jar and back into the pond as they please --- and they love it!


7. A musical instrument like an old tuba can have a second life as a water fountain --- and as a watering hole for thirsty birds!

7. A musical instrument like an old tuba can have a second life as a water fountain --- and as a watering hole for thirsty birds!



8. A water path made of drainage pipes also brightens up a simple and plain-looking wall.

8. A water path made of drainage pipes also brightens up a simple and plain-looking wall.


9. Making a small waterfall is not difficult! Just install an underground catch basin and pump system that continuously pulls the cascading water back up to flow over the rocks. Decorate the "exteriors" as you wish!

9. Making a small waterfall is not difficult! Just install an underground catch basin and pump system that continuously pulls the cascading water back up to flow over the rocks. Decorate the "exteriors" as you wish!



10. If the garden is sloping, you can create a small river making sure to seal the bottom and the border edges well.

10. If the garden is sloping, you can create a small river making sure to seal the bottom and the border edges well.


11. Using an archway you can create a truly decorative "rain curtain" waterfall.

11. Using an archway you can create a truly decorative "rain curtain" waterfall.



12. Make some small holes in a copper tube. Next, fold and secure it around the inside of a wheel rim and then connect it to a water pump. Voilà! You will have an unusual and suggestive water fountain!

12. Make some small holes in a copper tube. Next, fold and secure it around the inside of a wheel rim and then connect it to a water pump. Voilà! You will have an unusual and suggestive water fountain!


13. A transparent plexiglass tube connects an old galvanized tub that is now a plant container and the watering can, with a truly admirable final effect!

13. A transparent plexiglass tube connects an old galvanized tub that is now a plant container and the watering can, with a truly admirable final effect!



14. If watering cans fascinate you --- then, you might consider using a whole series of them lined up in a row ...

14. If watering cans fascinate you --- then, you might consider using a whole series of them lined up in a row ...


15. This suggestive stone fountain is made by drilling a hole in the stones and stacking them on top of each other, then letting a tube pass through them to make the water rise and fall with the aid of a water pump.

15. This suggestive stone fountain is made by drilling a hole in the stones and stacking them on top of each other, then letting a tube pass through them to make the water rise and fall with the aid of a water pump.



16. The basic idea is that almost everything can become part of a fountain ...

16. The basic idea is that almost everything can become part of a fountain ...


17. Even an old fire hydrant can become the protagonist of your garden, once has been transformed into a water fountain!

17. Even an old fire hydrant can become the protagonist of your garden, once has been transformed into a water fountain!


18. Sometimes, it is enough to resort to a more "artistic" rain gutter to make your green space unique.

18. Sometimes, it is enough to resort to a more "artistic" rain gutter to make your green space unique.


19. In any case, whatever design or project you prefer, it will make your garden charming and special!

19. In any case, whatever design or project you prefer, it will make your garden charming and special!

