Glass of water tip: how to cool a house without air conditioners

by Mark Bennett

September 02, 2023

Glass of water tip: how to cool a house without air conditioners

With hotter temperatures and an ominous rise in global warming, many people are experiencing increased discomfort during the summer. Unfortunately, it seems inevitable, especially for those without the "right" remedies, such as air-conditioning. However, in the past, air conditioners, were not available.

So how did previous generations cope with extreme heat? Well, they had "secrets"/tips and we will reveal some of these below.

Tips to beat the heat

Tips to beat the heat

Of course, it is undeniable that the climatic situation a few decades ago was quite different from the current one. However, the sultriness, heat and humidity were already widespread. During the more "stifling" seasons, it was common to try this "trick". A glass of water was all that was needed.

This simple but effective technique consisted in hanging up a wet sheet (with a glass of water) in, for example, the bedroom and which, while drying, would drive temperature down.

But there's more than can be done...


Other useful tips to cool down

Other useful tips to cool down


Another valid remedy that could be useful to counteract the heat is to use frozen bottles of water. Basically, this strategy consists of filling several plastic bottles with water, of various sizes, and then placing them in the freezer.

After a few hours, the water will turn into ice and the mere presence of the bottles on the edge of the bed, on a bedside table or on a desk, for example, will be sufficient to create a small area of "coolness". Of course, the ice will all melt at some point and that's why we suggested using multiple bottles: this way you will always have a frozen bottle of water to hand.

Another tip, with a wider "range", is to place an ice-cold bottle in front of a fan so that it can spread cool air around a room. Did you know these tips? If the answer is no, why not give them a go?!
