A lady rescues a puppy from the street and the way it thanks her will bring tears to your eyes ...

by Shirley Marie Bradby

July 26, 2018

A lady rescues a puppy from the street and the way it thanks her will bring tears to your eyes ...

Each year thousands of dogs become a problem during the summer.

This is because their owners suddenly realize that the sweet little puppy that before seemed like a happy pastime proves to be a much greater responsibility than previously believed.

Consequently, a pet dog presents problems and responsibilities that are unwanted when organizing vacations and summer holidays.

However, some stories have a happy ending, in fact, look what happened to this woman who saved a puppy dog from abandonment.



The story in question, speaks of a puppy that was a victim of neglect like so many others. This puppy was found by a lady, as he roamed the streets with a pack of other abandoned dogs, searching for food and at the mercy of the sweltering heat. The woman noticed him right away and stayed to monitor the situation while waiting for someone to intervene. That night, unable to sleep due to thinking about this pack of dogs and the little puppy in tow, the lady went looking for the pack of dogs to see what had happened to them.



What she saw has struck deep in her heart. The dogs were in the same situation if not even worse. Abandoned, now tied to a short chain with the impossibility to move, and without food or water. The word spread rapidly, thanks to the woman, on social networks, helping to activate dozens of people to become involved in relief efforts to help the poor animals. The dogs were then saved and the lady responsible for the rescue, personally took one of them, namely the puppy that she had seen, and brought him home with her.



What happened next is very touching. The dog, despite its past misfortunes, was still able to trust her and express his gratitude and affection towards the woman. This attitude moved the lady so much that she started crying, and the little puppy seeing this, thought that he should (and rightly so) try to comfort her by stroking her hand and arms and rubbing his body against her affectionately. 

Yet, another manifestation of concern and kindness demonstrated by animals, attitudes that often in some of us human beings are sorely lacking. Here below you can watch the video. Since it was released, it has touched the worldwide web and soon you'll see for yourself why!
