A makeup artist decides to use her skills on her elderly grandmother and transforms her into a beautiful middle-aged diva

by Shirley Marie Bradby

June 25, 2018

A makeup artist decides to use her skills on her elderly grandmother and transforms her into a beautiful middle-aged diva

Together with cooking, the act of applying makeup is one of those daily activities that the new mass media have transformed into a spectacular show. 

On the Internet as on TV, it is more and more common to see real artists, experts in cooking or make-up, who surpass all our expectations with their skills.

This is the case of Goar Avetisyan, a young make-up artist from Moscow who has a huge following on Instagram. 

Until today, the twenty-two-year-old  Russian had worked her magic only on her peers, making young women even more beautiful.

But this time she accepted a more difficult challenge and put herself to the test with her grandmother!

A makeup artist decides to use her skills on her elderly grandmother and transforms her into a beautiful middle-aged diva - 1

You can see the results in the video below, uploaded to the Instagram profile of the makeup artist Goar Avetisyan, which has totaled more than one million views. The elderly lady jokes with her granddaughter, "Dear, I need a doctor, not a stylist!". But in the meantime her face changes. Thanks to her impressive skills, Goar Avetisyan turns a normal grandmother, with more than a few years on her shoulders in a beautiful middle-aged diva. 

Judge with your own eyes!


Un post condiviso da Goar Avetisyan (@goar_avetisyan) in data:
