21 times when companies have relied on designers with brilliant minds

by Shirley Marie Bradby

May 27, 2018

21 times when companies have relied on designers with brilliant minds

For a company, advertising is a way to make as many people as possible aware of their business, as well as a way to differentiate themselves from all the other competitors who work in the same field or industry.

How many times, in fact, do we choose one brand rather than another, just for the sympathy that the brand has communicated through their publicity? Most of the time, it is an involuntary behavior, which we implement even if we are not consciously aware of it.

What is not up for discussion, however, is the obvious genius of some of the publicity campaigns --- like these!

The handle of this butcher shop door.

The handle of this butcher shop door.

powellthegreasy / imgur


This barcode has been transformed into a cute design.

This barcode has been transformed into a cute design.

Unknown author / Imgur

A movie theater in which the film is not the only attraction.

A movie theater in which the film is not the only attraction.


Under an advertising for baby furniture, IKEA had the idea of ​​putting a quick pregnancy test.

Under an advertising for baby furniture, IKEA had the idea of ​​putting a quick pregnancy test.


Above a blanket of snow ... IKEA announces to give snowmen, obviously to be assembled!

Above a blanket of snow ... IKEA announces to give snowmen, obviously to be assembled!



The advertising for a brand of laxatives.

The advertising for a brand of laxatives.


How soft are the slices of bread of this brand? Try it on your own skin.

How soft are the slices of bread of this brand? Try it on your own skin.



An appeal to safeguard the pillars in parking garages by buying a car equipped with parking sensors!

An appeal to safeguard the pillars in parking garages by buying a car equipped with parking sensors!


The advertising for a migraine headache medication.

The advertising for a migraine headache medication.



This brand of jeans has chosen a 3D solution to capture the attention of passersby.

This brand of jeans has chosen a 3D solution to capture the attention of passersby.


A million reasons to read the newspaper!

A million reasons to read the newspaper!



When you say you want to do things in a big way ...

When you say you want to do things in a big way ...


Do not rely on the first person that happens along --- your car should always be in good hands!

Do not rely on the first person that happens along --- your car should always be in good hands!



Coca-Cola always knows how to attract people and get them to take a look ...

Coca-Cola always knows how to attract people and get them to take a look ...


Invitations for ballet classes, of course!

Invitations for ballet classes, of course!

FrozenFoodGuy / imgur





When the company deals with data storage solutions, the truck cannot have any other form!

When the company deals with data storage solutions, the truck cannot have any other form!


The surveillance post at an Amazon warehouse.

The surveillance post at an Amazon warehouse.


This company has focused on simplicity ... maybe too much!

This company has focused on simplicity ... maybe too much!


A toy that will make even adults dream.

A toy that will make even adults dream.


An innovative suitcase for long journeys.

An innovative suitcase for long journeys.

