15 people who have "Partied Hearty" ... and woken up with a nice "Surprise"

by Shirley Marie Bradby

April 12, 2018

15 people who have "Partied Hearty" ... and woken up with a nice "Surprise"

Each of us has memories related to our youth, partying until dawn, and people slightly out of their minds.

Even if we remember that stage of our life with a smile on our lips, it is good that type of partying which was decidedly exaggerated is over.

Some people, however, in addition to their memories, can also make use of photos that testify to the absurdity of those times and events --- and the madness that occurs when one is young and far too foolish.

Finding yourself suddenly partying with Frida Kahlo.

Finding yourself suddenly partying with Frida Kahlo.



An alternative version of the snow angel.

An alternative version of the snow angel.


Parties in which everyone is requested to wear evening attire!

Parties in which everyone is requested to wear evening attire!


It remains to be seen whether this person intentionally dressed like this ...

It remains to be seen whether this person intentionally dressed like this ...


It's better that this person continues to sleep for a long time ...

It's better that this person continues to sleep for a long time ...



Using food from the kitchen is always a good trick!

Using food from the kitchen is always a good trick!

Dr Zibbs/thatblueyak.blogspot.ru

It has often happened that someone gets home very late and in those cases, any place is good for taking a nap.

It has often happened that someone gets home very late and in those cases, any place is good for taking a nap.



The party dishes to be washed the next day.

The party dishes to be washed the next day.


When you eat salty food and drink too much at night and you are too lazy to get up and get a glass of water.

When you eat salty food and drink too much at night and you are too lazy to get up and get a glass of water.



Dinner is on the table!

Dinner is on the table!

me irl/reddit.com

Sometimes, you can wake up with a different face than usual ...

Sometimes, you can wake up with a different face than usual ...

me irl/reddit.com


When your friends begged you to stay ... But you tried to leave!

When your friends begged you to stay ... But you tried to leave!


In the worse case scenario, you can always use the public transport system to take a nap, while returning home.

In the worse case scenario, you can always use the public transport system to take a nap, while returning home.



Wow! It must have been a lot of fun, eh !?

Wow! It must have been a lot of fun, eh !?


It is rather difficult to reconstruct the sequence of events ...

It is rather difficult to reconstruct the sequence of events ...

