Her dog kept sniffing her nose and when her doctor tells her the reason, she understands that she owes her dog her life!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 30, 2018

Her dog kept sniffing her nose and when her doctor tells her the reason, she understands that she owes her dog her life!

Lauren Gauthier lives in the state of New York and has always had a particular inclination to help dogs in difficulty, especially those that have been abandoned or victims of mistreatment.

Precisely to support this vocation, she began collaborating with an animal refuge association Magic's Mission Beagle & Hound Rescue, that is dedicated to helping dogs.

It was in this context that Lauren met Victoria, a dog of the Coonhound breed. Due to having only one eye and not being young, the poor creature was struggling to find a family that would adopt her.

Between the two, a special bond was formed, but Lauren probably did not expect that one day this bond would save her life.

via thecut.com

Her dog kept sniffing her nose and when her doctor tells her the reason, she understands that she owes her dog her life! - 1

Soon Lauren and her husband brought sweet Victoria home. This dog, that in its life had already experienced enough difficult moments deserved to live happy days for the rest of its life. And while their new family life went on in the most normal of ways, the dog began to behave strangely.

Her dog kept sniffing her nose and when her doctor tells her the reason, she understands that she owes her dog her life! - 2

Lauren's story explains that Victoria, while they were on the couch relaxing with a little TV, insisted on sniffing a specific part of her face. In particular, Victoria brought her nose close to Lauren's, then stretched out on the couch gazing at the woman with a worried look, and after a few seconds, she would come back to sniff at the same spot.

Lauren knew the behavior of dogs well and understood that such a ritual was not entirely normal. So she decided to seek the advice of a doctor, who obviously prescribed a detailed examination. 

Her dog kept sniffing her nose and when her doctor tells her the reason, she understands that she owes her dog her life! - 3

What was discovered was so shocking that the woman almost fainted. She was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma, a form of skin cancer which usually occurs due to long exposure to the sun and the solar lamps that Lauren admitted having used during her youth. 

Her dog, Victoria had for some reason perceived that something was wrong, and with her silent warning, she had allowed Lauren to get the tumor removed in time. Now, all that remains is a scar that is barely visible. Doctors, however, said that without Victoria's timely intervention, the consequences could have been much more serious.

Her dog kept sniffing her nose and when her doctor tells her the reason, she understands that she owes her dog her life! - 4

Lauren had given her love to Victoria, not caring about the dog's physical appearance that everyone considered to be unattractive, and Victoria had returned it in the best way. From that moment on, as you can imagine, the woman has paid maximum attention to all the signals that her four-legged friend sends her, and she has also continued with even more conviction her dog adoption campaign. One thing is for sure --- her story confirms that having a dog by your side can literally save your life!
