The 7 plants that according to popular wisdom can make your house a safer and healthier place

That plants are an excellent source of energy to surround ourselves with, we already know!
Nevertheless, we do not always know how to use them correctly in our homes, so that we can better absorb the protective flow of their energy and make it a shield for our house.
On the other hand, for all of us, our house is a place where we take refuge, where we feel safe, and it is important to know how to make it even safer through the introduction of plants.
Here are the most suitable plants to be utilized in the home environment.
Cactus plants

People often buy cactuses for their ease of maintenance, since they need very little water. However, the interior environment of a house is not the most suitable place for them! In fact, terraces, balconies, and windowsills are certainly much better. Placed outside, they can repel negative energies thanks to their intimidating thorns.
Basil noun basil basilico

There are many reasons why Basil should be kept in the house. In addition to being very useful in the kitchen, it is also appreciated for its lovely smell that refreshes the rooms. It is said that this plant is beneficial as it is able to absorb negative energies and to offer its healing power especially if there are people who are unwell living in the house.
The Rue plant (Ruta graveolens)

The Rue plant has been used since ancient times as a protective plant. In fact, in Rome, it was used as a medicinal plant and amulet and in Greece, it was used by Hippocrates to alleviate pain and fight epidemics. The plants are distinguishable as male plants (without flowers and with large leaves) and as female plants (with small yellow flowers).
It is said that to take full advantage of the positive energy of Ruta plants, they should be kept hanging on the wall near the entrance door --- a male plant on the left and a female plant on the right.

It is a plant that loves the sun, which is beneficial for the positive atmosphere of the house.
Bay leaves (Bay Laurel)

A Bay leaf plant is said to be able to attract happiness and money. So, what are you waiting for to hang a branch of Bay leaves in your house? In this way, you can also take advantage of its ability to offer protection against disease. In addition, from time to time, you can burn some bay leaves, in a suitable container, to release their wonderful fragrance which also keeps insects away!

Fern plants are traditionally linked to economic fortune, so much so that it is believed to help reveal hidden treasures. Keep a branch of Fern hanging up high in your house. Ferns are also a powerful weapon against melancholy and depression. Those who have a fern plant can see negative thoughts dissolve thanks to the calm that it infuses.
Place one in the place where you spend most of your time during the day, which is also the place where you will need to have a mind free of negative thoughts.
Marigold (Calendula officinalis)

The Marygold plant (Calendula officinalis) is a plant that closely follows the rhythms of the sun. In fact, traditionally, it is said that a woman who walks on Marigold petals with bare feet will be able to understand the language of the birds.
In addition, it is thought that this flower is able to resolve personal disputes and quarrels, so it is good to put a Marigold flower in your pocket when it is time to deal with distressing situations. If placed instead, near the front door of the house, it will keep family members from quarreling.