If these pictures cannot convince you that every child should have a dog then nothing will!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 19, 2018

If these pictures cannot convince you that every child should have a dog then nothing will!

With a minimum of training, a dog and a child can become the strongest and most loving friends in the world. 

The benefits that children derive from sharing part of their childhood with a dog are numerous. Furthermore, there is also a high chance that also as adults they will choose to continue to cultivate this type of relationship --- and you know what is the best part of all?

It is that, pets in addition to giving you joy every day of their lives, with just their mere presence they improve your psycho-physical health and can even add years to your life! 

In short, if you are still not convinced that having a dog in your life is really a beautiful experience, then we leave you with these wonderful images to help you change your mind!

1. For some time they had been looking for a dog suitable for their 10-year-old son. Well, something tells us that in the end, they have found the right dog for him!

1. For some time they had been looking for a dog suitable for their 10-year-old son. Well, something tells us that in the end, they have found the right dog for him!



2. A visit to the vet had left this dog a bit depressed but when he returned home he found someone who could distract him!

2. A visit to the vet had left this dog a bit depressed but when he returned home he found someone who could distract him!


3. This duo must be as sweet as they are naughty ...

3. This duo must be as sweet as they are naughty ...

Catherine Brown

4. The most beautiful cuddles of childhood!

4. The most beautiful cuddles of childhood!


5. What costume do you want for Halloween? Here is his choice!

5. What costume do you want for Halloween? Here is his choice!



6. A baby and his big hairy guardian!

6. A baby and his big hairy guardian!


7. It's not just children who play jokes on their dogs!

7. It's not just children who play jokes on their dogs!



8. "But, it does not look much like us ... don't you think?"

8. "But, it does not look much like us ... don't you think?"


9. A photo that was taken 20 minutes after the adoption ...

9. A photo that was taken 20 minutes after the adoption ...



10. This is a (living) chair that is the most comfortable in the world!

10. This is a (living) chair that is the most comfortable in the world!


11. Sometimes the regard that dogs have towards newborns can be quite touching.

11. Sometimes the regard that dogs have towards newborns can be quite touching.



12. Let's hug!

12. Let's hug!


13. Separate these three? Impossible!

13. Separate these three? Impossible!



14. The first three years of friendship.

14. The first three years of friendship.


15. Two curious little souls looking out at the world --- a photo from 1988

15. Two curious little souls looking out at the world --- a photo from 1988



16. Sweet dreams while lying on the back of the most loyal friend of the family.

16. Sweet dreams while lying on the back of the most loyal friend of the family.


17. As long as there is room for two, this is how they will stay!

17. As long as there is room for two, this is how they will stay!


18. When you are at home with a cold, you feel a little less lonely with a dog.

18. When you are at home with a cold, you feel a little less lonely with a dog.

Tristan Trougakos

19. And that look that says: "Nobody touches my little friend!"

19. And that look that says: "Nobody touches my little friend!"


20. The immeasurable joy of the first moments together.

20. The immeasurable joy of the first moments together.


21. My son gives an encouraging talk to his dog before it goes in to see the vet.

21. My son gives an encouraging talk to his dog before it goes in to see the vet.


22. My niece and her dog! I do not know who is having more fun!

22. My niece and her dog! I do not know who is having more fun!


23. Sometimes, their protective instinct leaves you speechless.

23. Sometimes, their protective instinct leaves you speechless.


24. My daughter and our dog admire the first snow of the season from the window.

24. My daughter and our dog admire the first snow of the season from the window.


25. Every morning, my daughter and her puppy fight for a "seat" on the hot air heating vent and today she has won!

25. Every morning, my daughter and her puppy fight for a "seat" on the hot air heating vent and today she has won!


26. Maybe not all dogs know how to shake hands ... But the love they show by standing by us is a much more important test!

26. Maybe not all dogs know how to shake hands ... But the love they show by standing by us is a much more important test!

