12 people who wanted to imitate famous photos and they created a masterpiece

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 27, 2018

12 people who wanted to imitate famous photos and they created a masterpiece

Have you ever come across a picture on the Internet and entertained yourself with the idea of creating a version of your own? Well, know that, unless you look like a model or have the excellent skills of professional photographer and a good friend skilled in photo editing, the results will hardly be the same.

It is now known that many of the images that are posted on social networks have certainly not been captured randomly (even if they seem to be), but are actually derived from careful attention to detail and a precise communication strategy

However, we must remember that it is not just beauty that makes a photo interesting! It may happen that, in the act of recreating an image, another one is generated that is absolutely remarkable for different reasons.

The 12 photos that we present today, for example, are certainly less beautiful and elegant than the original, but beat them in humor and in being entertaining!

1. The idea is the same, the final effect ... no.

1. The idea is the same, the final effect ... no.


FwdFwdFwdFwd / reddit

FwdFwdFwdFwd / reddit

2. This poetic photography of a bride on the horse ... could end badly!

 Jarrett Hucks Photography/Youtube

Jarrett Hucks Photography/Youtube

3. More or less the same shot ...

Un post condiviso da Celeste Barber (@celestebarber) in data:


4. The famous image of Abbey Road ... made in Romania!

4. The famous image of Abbey Road ... made in Romania!


voodooNOiZE / reddit

voodooNOiZE / reddit


5. A picture with a camel ... too bad it is a little grumpy!

Un post condiviso da Allan Dixon (@daxon) in data:




6. Expectation vs reality ...

Un post condiviso da Celeste Barber (@celestebarber) in data:

7. A group of roommates has created a Christmas card of the highest level

7. A group of roommates has created a Christmas card of the highest level

Death Row Records

desperato / reddit

desperato / reddit

8. Hold the Sun in your hand .... well, you were very close!

8. Hold the Sun in your hand .... well, you were very close!


LeCerial / imgur

LeCerial / imgur

9. It must be the background that ruins everything ...


10. Photos with a fish ... sure it's a good idea?

10. Photos with a fish ... sure it's a good idea?

kebulatr / reddit

GAMEXII2012 / reddit

GAMEXII2012 / reddit

11. A glamorous photo between friends ...

Un post condiviso da Celeste Barber (@celestebarber) in data:

12. A beautiful picture of a baby in a box ...

12. A beautiful picture of a baby in a box ...

mark sebastian/Flickr



Have you ever copied or tried to copy a famous photo but obtained only disastrous or funny results? Show them to us in the comments!
