These police officers "fined" a car made of snow in the funniest of ways

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 24, 2018

These police officers "fined" a car made of snow in the funniest of ways

After a very heavy snowfall in the city of Montreal, a 33-year-old carpenter named Simon Laprise decided to free his creativity by devoting himself to making a beautiful snow sculpture.

However, Laprise did not direct his efforts toward the usual snowman with a carrot for a nose! No, instead, his work of art is a reproduction of the DeLorean DMC-12 car from the film "Back to the Future".

What made this story even more curious, however, is the place chosen for snow sculpture! Namely, a street where parking is strictly prohibited, as it must be regularly cleaned by snow plows. How will the snowplow driver and traffic police react to the illegally parked "car"?

via Simon Laprise/Facebook

Simon Laprise

Simon Laprise

Simon spent a lot of time perfecting his snow sculpture, so much so that the final result looked very much like a real car covered in snow.

Simon Laprise

Simon Laprise

Simon Laprise

Simon Laprise

There was not much waiting, the snowplow driver arrived accompanied also by the traffic police who are in charge of fining any illegally parked vehicles!

Maxim Tot

Maxim Tot

Obviously, it did not take long before they realized the true nature of the car, and they reacted by showing a great sense of humor.

Maxim Tot

Maxim Tot

In fact, the police actually did leave a traffic ticket on the car! But, what was written on the ticket was as not a heavy fine ... only a nice note that said, "You made our night! Hahahah! :-)"

Simon Laprise

Simon Laprise
