24 stories with a happy ending that will brighten your day

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 01, 2018

24 stories with a happy ending that will brighten your day

The fact that a negative news story causes more of a stir than a positive one remains an undeniable truth. Consequently, it is not by chance that the news channels, newspapers, and all the other media outlets broadcast for the most part news about tragedies, wars, and criminal activities.

Would not it be much better if the news stories were more balanced and if we were given the chance to rejoice every now and then with a story with a happy ending, that gives us hope and a reason to smile?

In this article, we have grouped some positive and uplifting stories, with the hope that you can fill your heart with joy by reading them!

This cat was hit by a car and the veterinarians at an animal shelter reset her jaw and one of the vets decided to adopt her!

This cat was hit by a car and the veterinarians at an animal shelter reset her jaw and one of the vets decided to adopt her!



A little girl hugs her baby sister for the first time.

A little girl hugs her baby sister for the first time.


A little squirrel seeks and finds protection.

A little squirrel seeks and finds protection.


"I fed this cat for 3 years, but today for the first time she sat on my lap!"

"I fed this cat for 3 years, but today for the first time she sat on my lap!"


"Today my wife is donating one of her kidneys."

"Today my wife is donating one of her kidneys."



"After 7 years of fertility treatments, today it finally happened!"

"After 7 years of fertility treatments, today it finally happened!"

unknown author/imgur

"A man gave me this medal that he created with his own hands."

"A man gave me this medal that he created with his own hands."



"I was given a kitten, and my dog ​​thinks it's her child."

"I was given a kitten, and my dog ​​thinks it's her child."

unknown author/reddit

"My son was born at only 24 weeks, and today is a healthy three-year-old boy! This photo shows the first time I held him in my arms."

"My son was born at only 24 weeks, and today is a healthy three-year-old boy! This photo shows the first time I held him in my arms."



"Me and my father --- and me and my son in the same pose."

"Me and my father --- and me and my son in the same pose."


"This is the first year that I could afford to give my parents a Christmas present."

"This is the first year that I could afford to give my parents a Christmas present."



"I could not let her into the house, but I also could not just leave her outside to freeze, so I let her come in."

"I could not let her into the house, but I also could not just leave her outside to freeze, so I let her come in."


"After 13 years of fertility treatments, we were finally allowed to adopt a child."

"After 13 years of fertility treatments, we were finally allowed to adopt a child."

This 22-year-old young man has become friends with an 81-year-old woman he met on the Internet. Here they finally meet in person for the first time.

This 22-year-old young man has become friends with an 81-year-old woman he met on the Internet. Here they finally meet in person for the first time.


The two dogs seem to follow with interest the story being told by the little boy!

The two dogs seem to follow with interest the story being told by the little boy!

unknown author/imgur


These firemen have just rescued a cat from a house on fire.

These firemen have just rescued a cat from a house on fire.


A couple found a safe in their house and inside there was a bottle of whiskey and 50 thousand dollars!

A couple found a safe in their house and inside there was a bottle of whiskey and 50 thousand dollars!


The end and the beginning of life in a single photo...

The end and the beginning of life in a single photo...


"It's been 95 days since I kicked my drug addiction to heroin and now I have the money to buy some new clothes --- which had not happened for a long time."

"It's been 95 days since I kicked my drug addiction to heroin and now I have the money to buy some new clothes --- which had not happened for a long time."

unknown author/imgur

"A car accident has taken away much in my life, but it has not taken away the possibility of finding love with my best friend."

"A car accident has taken away much in my life, but it has not taken away the possibility of finding love with my best friend."

unknown author/imgur

This boat sank in 1564 but the icy waters have conserved it perfectly.

This boat sank in 1564 but the icy waters have conserved it perfectly.


"I met a girl playing an online game and today she is my best friend."

"I met a girl playing an online game and today she is my best friend."

unknown author/imgur

"I found a lost wallet in 1963 and it took me 15 years to find the owner. I found out that he had just recently passed away and the family members created this bulletin board with what was in the wallet."

"I found a lost wallet in 1963 and it took me 15 years to find the owner. I found out that he had just recently passed away and the family members created this bulletin board with what was in the wallet."


"A collection of the knitting work my mother was able to do before the onset of Alzheimer's ."

"A collection of the knitting work my mother was able to do before the onset of Alzheimer's ."

