25 cases in which bad luck forced its hand a little too much

by Shirley Marie Bradby

December 24, 2017

25 cases in which bad luck forced its hand a little too much

Our days are made of ups and downs, this is an established fact; yet there are those periods in which there seem to be only an infinite series of low blows, when luck turns its back on us and misfortune, taking advantage of this, assails us ruthlessly.

Whether it is a small problem without serious consequences or whether there are real tragedies, you cannot help but feel a mixture of irony and dismay when everything seems to go wrong.

'Does anyone want scrambled eggs or perhaps a giant omelet?'

'Does anyone want scrambled eggs or perhaps a giant omelet?'

© veteranlurker99 / imgur


"Yet I could not wait to taste it!"

"Yet I could not wait to taste it!"

© unknown author / imgur

How to blend your sweater while making a cake!

How to blend your sweater while making a cake!

© tisallfair / reddit

If only he had kept at least one eye open to see the ex-President Obama in person ...

If only he had kept at least one eye open to see the ex-President Obama in person ...

© pandacranez / reddit

What could she have secretly wished for?!

What could she have secretly wished for?!

© antirl1337 / imgur


Shades of luck ... or bad luck. It depends on the point of view!

Shades of luck ... or bad luck. It depends on the point of view!

© Jux_ / reddit

Toilet paper rolls that run ... away!

Toilet paper rolls that run ... away!

© LusPires / imgur


Those jelly candies that melt and ruin your car dashboard!

Those jelly candies that melt and ruin your car dashboard!

© thelazypunk / reddit

The famous 50% risk of falling!

The famous 50% risk of falling!

© castraverede / imgur


Another "Happy birthday!" Fail ...

Another "Happy birthday!" Fail ...

© usarmy973 / reddit

The rebellion of a small and apparently defenseless frog.

The rebellion of a small and apparently defenseless frog.

© randymarshmallow / imgur


"Hold on ... Oops! Thank goodness it's soft!"

"Hold on ... Oops! Thank goodness it's soft!"

© scotthaslam17 / imgur

"And I thought I had chosen the juiciest one ..."

"And I thought I had chosen the juiciest one ..."

© Lord0fHam / reddit


Everybody loves this ice cream! Apparently, seagulls are no exception!

Everybody loves this ice cream! Apparently, seagulls are no exception!

© NicolasHuskar / imgur

" Hey! Watch out for the ... ball!"

" Hey! Watch out for the ... ball!"

© philphan25 / reddit


Obviously, by swinging you learn ... to fall!

Obviously, by swinging you learn ... to fall!

© unknown author / imgur

An amazing block and recovery! Too bad for the cameraman ...

An amazing block and recovery! Too bad for the cameraman ...

© unknown author / imgur

Malfunctioning washing machine ...

Malfunctioning washing machine ...

© unknown author / reddit

This cup reminds you ---"It could be worse!"

This cup reminds you ---"It could be worse!"

© deanylev / reddit

"My losing lottery numbers ... would be winning numbers by adding one to the first number and subtracting one from each of the other numbers!"

"My losing lottery numbers ... would be winning numbers by adding one to the first number and subtracting one from each of the other numbers!"

© LilBTheBasedGod / imgur

"Excuse me, could you take a picture of me and my wife?"

"Excuse me, could you take a picture of me and my wife?"

© nowthatssomeusername / reddit

Who knows why they were all watching?! "Hmm ... are those a pair of panties?"

Who knows why they were all watching?! "Hmm ... are those a pair of panties?"

© mrdav2u / imgur

When a loaf is half full!

When a loaf is half full!

© searmid / imgur

The only sandwich that has the plastic still on the slices of cheese!

The only sandwich that has the plastic still on the slices of cheese!

© aaronkellysbones / reddit

"Too bad that this picture did not come out the way we expected!"

"Too bad that this picture did not come out the way we expected!"

© Agent_Hank_Schrader / reddit
