14 VIPs who practically ruined their fans photos

Imagine that you have wished all your life to be able to take a picture with your favorite star, and finally it happens that you run into this person in a club or on the street!
You get emotional and excited and ask him or her to take some pictures with you, but when you get back home and start to review the photos, you realize that something went wrong!
You discover that the celebrity in question has somehow "ruined" the photos by assuming ridiculous facial expressions or exhibiting strange body language! Unfortunately, sometimes that is exactly what happens!
1. What if Harry Potter took your smartphone and suddenly took a selfie with you?

© Dave_Versus_Volcano/reddit.com
2. "Here is when Adam Sandler put me in the middle!"

© therealmaxkessler/reddit.com
3. Probably not a good time for Nicholas Cage ...

4. "Beyoncé told me that she would have copied my grimace ... and so she did!"

5. It does not seem that Liam Neeson appreciated the free food that was offered to him ...

6. "That's when I asked Samuel L. Jackson to express what he felt at the time."

7. Bill Murray's famous roving eye strikes again!

© ludwigmiesvanderrohe/reddit.com
8. When you manage to take a selfie with the "Game of Thrones" cast all showing off!

9. Peter Dinklage adapts the selfie to his height but does not seem to be happy ...

10. Evidently, Bill Clinton needed more time to pose!

11. How to still fall asleep despite the presence of beer, food ... and Tom Hanks!

12."Now, I understand what Rihanna is afraid of --- me!"

13. Morgan Freeman can instill a sense of inappropriateness.

14. "There's me, there's Nicholas Cage ... and now what?"
