23 people who bitterly regret the choices they made!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

December 17, 2017

23 people who bitterly regret the choices they made!

In everyday life, anyone can make a wrong decision or overestimate their abilities, and the consequences can be really disastrous.

Often it is simply a matter of bad luck, and it does no good whatsoever to rail against fate or destiny.

In fact, as shown in the pictures below, when something goes wrong the best solution is --- just take a deep breath, take a picture, and take what happened with a bit of ironic humor!

1 - This cat stepped on the wrong mat ...

1 - This cat stepped on the wrong mat ...

Actually_an_otter / Reddit


2 - Hey!... and now?

2 - Hey!... and now?

Dimassamid / Imgur

3 - Never bring a goat into your house!

3 - Never bring a goat into your house!

Unknown / Imgur

4 - This cat was a little too curious for its own good!

4 - This cat was a little too curious for its own good!

superchall / Imgur

5 - This is why experts advise against using smartphones in bed!

5 - This is why experts advise against using smartphones in bed!

Optus / Twitter


6 - A classic!

6 - A classic!

StarVulpes / Reddit

7 - It was to be expected!

7 - It was to be expected!

gizzoojr / Reddit


8 - The master of balance

8 - The master of balance

Unknown / Imgur

9 - Never make rash decisions with a razor in your hand ...

9 - Never make rash decisions with a razor in your hand ...

darkzero901 / Imgur


10 - To get her out you will have to destroy everything

10 - To get her out you will have to destroy everything

G-Honda / Reddit

11 - You must admit that this is all your own fault ...

11 - You must admit that this is all your own fault ...

ChickensAreDecentPeople / Imgur


12 - Next time someone will think twice before ignoring parking signs and regulations ...

12 - Next time someone will think twice before ignoring parking signs and regulations ...

NerdyNae / Reddit

13 - A genius at work!

13 - A genius at work!

zorbix / Reddit


14 - When you put a boiling hot pot on a glass table ...

14 - When you put a boiling hot pot on a glass table ...

GryffindorGhostNick / Reddit

15 - Never tie your shoelaces standing near the Eiffel Tower --- someone might misunderstand!

15 - Never tie your shoelaces standing near the Eiffel Tower --- someone might misunderstand!

rideon / Imgur


16 - But, but ... why ???

16 - But, but ... why ???

Biotrek / Reddit

17 - The risks of food blogging

17 - The risks of food blogging

Spiculus / Reddit

18 - A snack ... that is unforgettable!

18 - A snack ... that is unforgettable!

MightySuperNoodle / Reddit

19 - Reckless!

19 - Reckless!

Scaulbylausis / Reddit

20 - Before the descent ... After the descent.

20 - Before the descent ... After the descent.

Spar34 / Reddit

21 - Victory is yours!

21 - Victory is yours!

WhereLibertyisNot / Reddit

22 - A real engineer!

22 - A real engineer!

bazzingadoto / Reddit

23 - A photo ... right before impact!

23 - A photo ... right before impact!

td_00 / Reddit
