14 common objects that look an awful lot like something else

There is a psychological phenomenon called pareidolia in which the mind responds to a stimulus, usually an image or a sound, by perceiving a familiar pattern where none exists.
For example, finding recognizable forms in the objects that surround us, such as recognizing an animal in a cloud or a human face in the facade of a building.
The origin of this process can perhaps be traced back to the need for our ancestors to escape predators. In fact, for them, it was vital to be able to see the physical traits of a potential enemy even if it was hidden in the foliage.
Therefore, to illustrate, this fascinating phenomenon, pareidolia --- we have collected a nice photo gallery of images taken by ordinary people who possess a particularly imaginative spirit of observation.
1 - There are shadow people among us ...

2 - The so-called "Indian Head Rock" in Santorini

3 - A very nice smiling onion ... but it can still make you cry! :)

4 - Is this portable stereo cassette player screaming?

5 - The Peña de los Enamorados ("The Lovers' Rock") in Spain

6 - Do you want to go to the bathroom? You must first ask the custodian ...

7 - A decidedly disturbing observer

8 - It seems like someone is trying to console him ...

9 - Two light switches with unquestionably guilty "faces".

10 - Is someone emerging from the apple?

11 - Impossible not to notice the similarity

12 - This farm has an exceptional guardian

13 - Faces, faces everywhere!

14 - And finally there are those who, like the painter Arcimboldo, have transformed pareidolia into an art form ...