11 photos of hens trying to keep their strange newborns warm

by Shirley Marie Bradby

December 02, 2017

11 photos of hens trying to keep their strange newborns warm

Chickens are not usually considered as domestic pets, but it definitely cannot be said that these animals do not know how to give and show love like a cat or a dog.

Those who own hens know what incredible animals they are! In fact, chicken hens are endowed with emotional intelligence and the ability to develop affection towards their owner that never ceases to amaze unsuspecting witnesses.

Moreover, they also have a strong sense of motherhood and when they find a newborn animal, no matter what species, they cannot resist the temptation to keep it warm under their feathers. The following photos will prove it ...

1. Mother Hen and her two adopted pigeons.

1. Mother Hen and her two adopted pigeons.



2. This hen protects kittens during a storm.

2. This hen protects kittens during a storm.

3. You can always count on the protection of a mother hen!

3. You can always count on the protection of a mother hen!


4. A hen who decides to become this kitten's babysitter!

4. A hen who decides to become this kitten's babysitter!


5. A little duck looking for affection certainly cannot be ignored by a hen!

5. A little duck looking for affection certainly cannot be ignored by a hen!

A Chick Called Albert


6. A hen has adopted two small ostriches!

6. A hen has adopted two small ostriches!


7. A mother hen and her little goslings.

7. A mother hen and her little goslings.

8. This pigeon believes that this hen is its mother!

8. This pigeon believes that this hen is its mother!

YouTube Screenshot

9. This lucky duck has found a very caring mother.

9. This lucky duck has found a very caring mother.



10. This is true love!

10. This is true love!


11. A hen is also able to take care of small birds too!

11. A hen is also able to take care of small birds too!

Pavlovafowl - Organic Forest Garden Poultry/Youtube
