14 tombstone epitaphs that you will not be able to read without smiling!

Burst out laughing in front of a tombstone? To many, it may seem very inappropriate, but there are cases in which it is the deceased themselves who "ask" us to laugh! At least that's exactly what can happen if you run into one of these 14 hilarious tombstone epitaphs!
Here for you, is a very particular photo gallery, where the last words of the deceased are written on their tombstones! What they have written will definitely not make you cry, on the contrary --- their words will put a smile on your face!
Why? Because these people decided that their death should not be a source of sadness but instead of humor.
1. I told you I was sick!

2. A homosexual Vietnam veteran: "They gave me a medal for killing two men, then they discharged me for loving one."

3. "If you can read this message, then you're crushing my breasts!"

4. "I raised four wonderful daughters with only one bathroom and still there was love."

5. Now I know something you do not know!

6. The recipe of Kay's fudge (we can see that she really wanted to leave it to posterity)

7. Here lies an atheist. All dressed up and no place to go.

8. We finally found a place to park in Georgetown!

9. In case there were doubts about it ... DEAD.

10. "Go away, I'm asleep."

11. "I came here without being consulted and I leave without my consent."

12. "Destined to be a woman with too many cats."

13. "Jesus called and Kim answered."

14. "Here lie Steve and Anya in eternal bliss. Mastercard & Visa still looking for the payments they missed."
