At 90, she still performs four operations per day! She is the oldest surgeon in the world!

Retirement is not a stage in life that everyone is happy about, either because their daily routine changes dramatically, or because sometimes they feel that they are still perfectly capable of carrying out their professional responsibilities.
Nowadays, when a person's professional skills and ability are confirmed and appreciated by human resource managers, it is very much possible that a person will be allowed to continue working as usual, just as in Dr. Illyinichna Levushkina's case!
At the venerable age of 90 years, this spry and energetic Russian woman is still passionately dedicated to her medical practice as a surgeon!
Dr. Levushkina was born on 5 May 1927 in Russia and has been a practicing surgeon since she was 24 years old.

Throughout her life, she has successfully completed more than 10,000 surgical operations. "Being a physician is not a trade, it's a way of life", she says.

Even now that she has passed her 90th birthday, for her to stop practicing as a surgeon at the Russian hospital where she works, is unthinkable, and in fact, she performs four surgical operations every day!

If she is asked for the secret of her longevity, she does not know what to answer. "I have no secret. I simply eat everything, laugh, and cry a lot."

In 2017, with 66 years of work behind her, Levushkina has been recognized as the oldest surgeon physician in the world and has no intention of stopping and letting her record be surpassed by others.

In fact, her professional merits have been recognized by the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev himself, who has given her a national award for, "Professional Fidelity".

By the way, if you are wondering --- her hand is still perfectly strong and steady and is the envy of every young surgical intern.

In Russia, everyone knows her, also for the curious fact that when she operates she needs to stand on a small footstool because she is only 4.9 ft (150 cm) tall!

As if all of this were not enough for a 90-year-old woman, Levushkina also takes care of her disabled grandson and eight cats.

Her indomitable energy is vital for the young team she works with and she is the first to calm a patient or a young surgeon operating for the first time.

