Cleaning whilst wearing rubber gloves may not always be the best solution

by Mark Bennett

September 13, 2023

Cleaning whilst wearing rubber gloves may not always be the best solution

To carry out cleaning chores, many people wear rubber/latex gloves. Gloves protect our skin from dirt, germs and aggressive detergents. But wearing rubber gloves is not always such a good idea.

Read on to find out more about the pros and cons of wearing gloves when doing various cleaning chores around your home:

Wearing gloves for cleaning chores around the house

Wearing gloves for cleaning chores around the house


As detailed above, there are good reasons to protect ourselves whilst cleaning by wearing rubber gloves.

The rubber acts as a protective barrier for the skin and "insulates" us from germs and bacteria. Furthermore, they also protect jewelery such as rings from getting dirty or getting lost. Never using gloves will probably make your hands dry, rough and chapped.

That said, we do not recommend wearing rubber gloves all the time and for every little cleaning chore. Why? Well, read on to find out more:


The negative effects of wearing rubber gloves too often

The negative effects of wearing rubber gloves too often


Wearing rubber gloves every time you have to clean something has its disadvantages: the rubber layer does not allow the skin to breathe and causes sweating which in turn, could irritate the skin.

Regarding the use of detergents, the following is recommended: if you are not using a particularly aggressive detergent, then you can proceed without wearing gloves. This is even more so for those whouse natural homemade products which do not cause skin irritation. In all cases, try not to wear rubber gloves for longer than 20-30 minutes in any one cleaning session.

Another factor to consider when using reusable gloves is to ensuring they are clean themselves: they should be properly sanitized to avoid the spread of microbes and bacteria. If you prefer to use "disposable" gloves, there's bad news in this regard too: these types of gloves are very harmful for the environment... reusable gloves with a cotton lining are a much more eco-friendly and hygenic alternative.

Of course, everyone must evaluate for themselves when and/or if to wear rubber gloves for cleaning chores. But always make sure to thoroughly wash your hands after each cleaning session - irrespective of whether or not you wore gloves.
