Firefighter helps a woman give birth and adopts the newborn baby girl: "I've always wanted a daughter"

by Mark Bennett

June 20, 2023

Firefighter helps a woman give birth and adopts the newborn baby girl: "I've always wanted a daughter"

When you're a firefighter, saving lives becomes part of the daily routine, yet Marc Hadden never thought he'd save a baby and then become her adoptive father. It was 2011, November 14, when he received an emergency call from a pregnant woman with severe pain in her stomach. Arriving on site, Marc realized that the woman was in labor and helped her deliver her baby. Once at the hospital, however, the new mother said she could not raise the baby, so Marc made the decision to adopt the infant. Read on to find out more:

via CBS

На этом фото пожарный сжимает в руках спасенную новорожденную девочку. Спустя 48 часов он станет ее отцом. Марк Хэдден...

Pubblicato da Women Empowerment Club Tashkent su Martedì 25 agosto 2020

Having a daughter was always a dream Marc and his wife, Beth, had, but after two difficult, failed pregnancies, they opted for adoption. However, the adoption process was long and uncertain, and they weren't sure if they would succeed. One day, Marc, who is a firefighter, helped to deliver a baby girl. He phoned Beth to tell her what had happened, and she jokingly asked, "Can we keep her?"

Beth wanted to meet the woman who Marc had helped. She felt great compassion for the woman, who already had a teenage son to raise. “I brought her a prayer book and offered to help her with everything,” Beth said. While they were talking, a doctor entered the room to tell the mother that her baby's adoption could go ahead. Then,, the woman said to Beth: "I can't leave my baby with someone I've never seen". Beth immediately understood that this was a once-in-a-lifetime chance. She told the woman that she and her husband Marc really wanted to adopt a baby girl, but that the adoption process was complicated and lengthy.


The woman looked at Beth and said, "I want you to be my baby's mom." Right away, the nurses brought out little Gracie (as they later named her) and Beth was able to hug her. She phoned Marc and said, "I think we just adopted a little girl." By the end of the day, the couple had signed all the necessary paperwork and just 48 hours being born, Gracie was taken home with the happy couple.

Today, Gracie is grown up and living happily with her family. For Marc and Beth, adopting Gracie was like winning the lottery: "The best things in life sometimes happen in an instant and you can't let them slip away!". Who would have guessed that an emergency call would change Marc's life so much?
