A carpenter decides to create a special gift for his wife! - The result is a labor of love!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

May 03, 2016

A carpenter decides to create a special gift for his wife! - The result is a labor of love!

What is more exciting than the act of creating with our own hands an object to give as a present to someone we love? Certainly, they will appreciate it very much, and safeguard it jealously ... especially if it is something as beautiful as what you see in this video!

A young man, who is a very talented and expert carpenter, decided to thank, in a rather original way, the woman who is both his wife and the mother of his two children for all the love she has given him!

He uses all of his considerable skills to create a magnificent wooden treasure chest for her! As we see in the video, she is utterly amazed and delighted with his beautiful gift! 
