This man eats expired food to prove it's still good, and the results are interesting

by Mark Bennett

May 28, 2023

This man eats expired food to prove it's still good, and the results are interesting

When we go to the supermarket to do the shopping, the first thing we look at is the expiry date on the products we intend to buy. Buying fresh food is obviously best in terms of our ability to keep them in for a while in the pantry.

We all know, however, that some foods can last longer than others. Some foods must be consumed soon after purchase. This not only to protects us from health risks, but also helps to avoid waste. That said, there are some who have tried to demonstrate that expiration dates are "only indicative" and that some foods can be eaten well beyond the stated expiry date.

via Insider

Gavin Wren is a food expert who posts content to his social media channels and who has sparked a heated debate about food expiration dates. This Englishman is firmly convinced that one shouldn't be influenced too much by the dates stated by the food producers and that many products can be eaten well after their expiration dates have passed.

"I was thinking of a way to help people with respect to food waste," Gavin said. He continued: "It's not right to throw away food that is technically still good just because a date says to do so". 

Drinking milk that is 41 days past the expiration date, or eating cheese months after opening it, or moldy yogurt 43 days expired isn't for everyone, but Gavin argues that it is perfectly ok. Gavin has actually consumed these, and many other, expired foods and they didn't cause him any health problems (and he said they actually still tasted good).

Gavin Wren/Instagram

Gavin Wren/Instagram

Only once so far has Gavin had a negative reaction: he ate some spinach and that caused him a bit of stomach pain. Despite this, Gavin is increasingly convinced that his approach helps to reduce waste and save money.

Of course, one needs to be cautious when following this "lifestyle". Eating something expired is, by definition, not healthy and, if you decide to do it, you need to consider how it was stored and what type of food it is. Therefore, we urge you to follow the information printed on food packaging - including the expiry dates.

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