Two boys are hiking in a park: they are attacked by a bear

by Mark Bennett

April 30, 2023

Two boys are hiking in a park: they are attacked by a bear

A walk in the park to stretch your legs out never hurts right? For now, let's say yes... walking helps you stay healthy, keeps your muscles toned and it's good for your heart. And there are the other "bonuses" of getting some fresh air and looking at nature. But not all walks in the park are, so to speak, "walks in the park"!

Don't believe this? Well, check out the story of the boys who feature in this story...

via Washingtonpost

Kendell Cummings/Instagram

Kendell Cummings/Instagram

Kendell Cummings, together with his friends Brady Lowry, Gus Harrison and Orrin Jackson, had ventured into the wilds of Wyoming to hunt: the boys had gone in search of the remains of deer antlers so they could sell them for a few hundred dollars.

The boys were all members of a wrestling team and the hunting trip was also supposed to serve to strengthen their bond. The team was in a hiking park near Cody and had decided to split up late in the afternoon. They wanted to pair up so they could cover more ground. They would then later meet up at a predetermined point - a large rock - at the end of the hiking trail.

Shortly after going their separate ways, Kendell had heard a loud crashing sound and before he knew it, it was already too late.

Janko Ferlic/Pexels - Not the actual photo

Janko Ferlic/Pexels - Not the actual photo

A bear - presumably a female grizzly - had attacked Kendell's companion, Brady. The bear grabbed Brady and shook him violently side to side. Kendell tried to get the animal's attention by screaming at the top of his lungs, throwing stones and sticks at it, but without success.

The bear continued to maul Brady and Kendell realised he could do only one thing.

Pumped up on adrenaline, Kendell threw himself at the bear, latching onto its back! The bear stopped mauling Brady and turned its attention to this new threat from Kendell. The fight was obviously unequal, but Kendell had the presence of mind to remain motionless and curled up, pretending to be dead.

Eventually, the bear lost interest in the boys and continued on her way leaving the terrified boys behind. After help arrived, the two boys were transported by helicopter to hospital.

Fortunately, the injuries of the young men received did not turn out to be serious. The whole wrestling team emerged from the ordeal more united than ever!
