This mother can barely make ends meet, but she won't stop buying designer clothes for her infant daughter

by Mark Bennett

April 08, 2023

This mother can barely make ends meet, but she won't stop buying designer clothes for her infant daughter

We all know we would do anything for our children, especially to protect them. The needs of children obviously vary according to their age, but we must not confuse whims with real needs.

Making sacrifices is part and parcel of being a parent. And this involves prioritizing the many needs our children have - especially when resources are limited. The woman in this story has a very unique concept about what the priorities should be for her little girl - read on to find out more:

via Legit

Carissa Spark/Twitter

Carissa Spark/Twitter

Carissa Spark is mother to her baby girl, Lavinia - who is just seven months old. Carissa lives on social security cheques and struggles to make ends meet. What is incredible, is that this woman chooses to spend the little money she gets - around $180 dollars a week - to buy expensive clothes for Lavinia. Not ordinary clothes, but designer clothes, such as Louis Vuitton: "I always make sure that Lavinia never lacks anything, from food to toys. She has everything she needs. I have given up on all my needs to satisfy hers," Carissa stated.

However, Carissa doesn't make "regular" sacrifices for her daughter in order to buy her designer clothes: she goes a lot further...

Carissa Spark/Twitter

Carissa Spark/Twitter

Carissa has given up eating decent, healthy food to save money. She eats a very cheap diet in order to have enough money to "invest" in her daughter's designerclothes: "I only eat canned soup and instant noodles, and I am happy to do so for my daughter," Carissa said.

Growing quickly, Lavinia has a constant need for new clothes. But these must be designer clothes, Carissa insists. "When I dress her in the clothes I buy for her, I am thrilled by how beautiful she looks. It makes me feel so good. For me, it's worth it," Carissa stated.

But perhaps there is some other explaination for, what some might consider, Carissa's "extravagant" - even pathological - behavior?

A British mum is passionate about dressing her 7-month-old baby in designer clothes, despite not being able to afford...

Pubblicato da Daily su Mercoledì 22 marzo 2023

Carissa does not have a good relationship with her mother: she calls her cold and "detached". "We weren't close at all, despite being mother and daughter. We were strangers. When I got pregnant, I told myself that I would be a different type of mother: I would always be an attentive and loving parent. I only hope that when my daughter see our family photos, she will appreciate all that I have done for her," Carissa said.

In response to Carissa's story which was posted online, many negative comments were forthcoming: "As a mother of three daughters, this is one of the most ridiculous and absurd manifestations of being a bad parent that I have ever seen", said one user; "I've seen kids grow up just fine without the need for designer clothes. I'm sure kids don't need or appreciate them," added another. However, there were also those who sided with Carissa. One user wrote: "Carissa is healing her 'inner child' by trying to become the mom she never had and always wanted."

What do you think of this unusual story?
