Son is furious when he finds out that his mother made his pregnant girlfriend sleep on the floor

by Mark Bennett

May 08, 2022

Son is furious when he finds out that his mother made his pregnant girlfriend sleep on the floor

It is said that there can only be bad blood between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law, but of course this is not some immutable law of nature: it all depends on the people you meet and certainly does not apply only to mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws. A young man recounted the terrible experience that his longtime girlfriend, Rose, had with his mother, Rose's future mother-in-law. It all started when he and Rose announced they were expecting a baby together; prior to this announcement, the young man's mother seemed to get on with Rose very well. But with the onset of pregnancy, she seemed to have only negative things to say about Rose. However, one episode was certainly more serious than the others and that's why the young man turned to Reddit users for a second opinion.

via Reddit

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

The young man told his story on Reddit using fictional names. He and Rose, his girlfriend, had been together for 4 years when she first became pregnant. The man's mother seemed to like Rose - or at least she seemed to like her, but after the announcement of Rose's pregnancy, everything changed for the worse. The mother-in-law began to make negative comments about the daughter-in-law, even in her presence, and to adopt a decidedly negative passive-aggressive attitude towards her.

One day, Rose went to visit her parents in the countryside - it was a short trip organized at the last minute. On the way back, unfortunately, her car broke down and she was forced to stop. Her boyfriend's brother, Chris, fortunately, is a car mechanic and was living only an hour and a half away from where the woman had broken down. Chris kindly offered to pick her up and sort out her car. Rose's boyfriend could not have intervened, as he was out of town, which is why he was very grateful for his brother's help. Chris, however, had returned to living with his mother, which meant that Rose was about to meet up again with her future mother-in-law.

Flickr / litlnemo / Not the actual photo

Flickr / litlnemo / Not the actual photo

Of course, the future mother-in-law wasn't happy to see Rose or the fact that she would have to stay the night, as it would take Chris too long to do a round trip; Chris would drop her off the next morning. Apparently, things remained peaceful, albeit coldly unfriendly, throughout the evening - at least until Chris said goodnight to both of them. At this point, the mother told her future daughter-in-law that she would have to sleep on the floor. You got it right: she would make a pregnant woman sleep on the floor, instead of offering a bed on the sofa. The mother-in-law's reasoning was so to protect the sofa: "I don't want you to ruin it." Rose was about to blow up to such an offensive insinuation, but then she decided not to make any troble. The mother gave her a very thin blanket, which wouldn't keep her warm, and told her to just make do with the sofa cushions.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

For quite a while after going to bed, the mother kept checking that the daughter-in-law did not get up and lie down on the sofa. She constantly popped her head around the door to spy on Rose during the night. At around 5am, Chris realized the situation was untenable and told Rose to go lie down in his bed. Chris told his brother what happened, asking him not to lay into his mother, but he did exactly the opposite. Besides, how could she, his mother, been able to force his pregnant girlfriend to sleep on the floor? Not knowing how to handle the situation, the young man turned to Reddit, stressing that, in any case, he is extremely angry with his mother. What advice do you have for Chris?
