After 6 years of marriage, this man discovers that his wife is also his sister

There are some days that just get off on the wrong foot: there may not be any particular reason why, it just happens. For example, the car won't start, you lock the keys inside, the PC plays up, and so on. There are many situations and events that can make us feel frustrated and cursed but, let's face it, most of the time these are only minor inconveniences.
In the story that we are about to tell you about here, practically everything possible went wrong. Read on to find out more:
via mirror

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A man who has been married for 6 years is the subject of what will seem like an unlikely story, but which is absolutely true. The man was having a hard time: his wife had fallen ill immediately after giving birth to their child and needed a kidney transplant. The main problem was that a suitable donor could not be found for her.
Then, this husband had an idea: perhaps he could be a donor. He underwent several medical tests to check compatibility and this included doing a DNA test. The man could not have imagined what happened next...

Doctors told the man - much to his astonishment - that there was a very good chance he could be a suitable donor for his wife. But there was more: the results of the DNA test revealed some anomalous data. The gene match between him and his wife was almost 100%. As a result, the man underwent more detailed tests. Once completed, all doubt was removed: the woman he had married and with whom he had started a family, was his sister.
The man had been adopted and had never known his biological family. Devasted, the man turned to Reddit users for advice on what to do next. Most users sympathized with the man and pointed out that it made no sense "jump ship" at this stage: after all, he was married (happily) and already had two children with his wife.
What do you think of this incredible story?