Man swears at a mother in a restaurant because her 1-year-old son is making too much noise: "It's really annoying"

by Mark Bennett

March 20, 2023

Man swears at a mother in a restaurant because her 1-year-old son is making too much noise: "It's really annoying"

Children are the joy for all parents and can make most of us smile and laugh with their pure, innocent antics. But for many other people, children are a constant source of discomfort and "suffering". For example, it is becoming increasingly fashionable to reserve certain restaurants for only adults: many customers, in fact, complain to the management about unruly children who ruin their evenings out with their yelling, screaming and crying. This is a heated debate and the subjects of this story have joined in it. Take your side once you have read their story...

Man swears at a mother in a restaurant because her 1-year-old son is making too much noise: "It's really annoying" - 1

Two men complained to a woman at a sushi restaurant because they were annoyed by her 1-year-old baby's screaming. One of the two men, was so indignant at the lack of respect shown and cooperation shown by the parent, that he decided to film the scene with his cell phone. The child's mother began to film the incident as well. This all happened at a Japanese restaurant in Las Vegas.

"This is what happens when someone goes out to dinner and brings along their very noisy children," says one of the two men, turning his camera on Fiya, the child's mother. "This person here has a baby who's making an incredible noise!" the man commented as he continued to film the scene.

Man swears at a mother in a restaurant because her 1-year-old son is making too much noise: "It's really annoying" - 2

Although it can be argued that some parents are unable to manage their children's behavior in public places, this does not seem to be case in this story. In fact, Fiya had been to many restaurants before and had never had any problems disciplining her children.

Fiya was particularly shocked by what had happened: "I was shaking, I didn't know what to do or say. My gut told me that if I did something out of character, it would cause us further problems, so I pulled my camera out and started recording. But just before I started shooting, the man in the white shirt made some derogatory and racist comments that I don't wish to repeat here," Fiya said. The men were then kicked out of the restaurant thanks to the intervention of police.

This was a very unpleasant thing to happen and certainly a traumatic incident for this mother. What do you think about this story?
