Wife is exhausted because her husband does nothing around the house: she takes a vacation and leaves him alone with all the responsibilities

by Mark Bennett

January 21, 2023

Wife is exhausted because her husband does nothing around the house: she takes a vacation and leaves him alone with all the responsibilities

Adult life, in general, can be stressful for those who struggle to take on or accept responsibilities. Life as a responsible parent, as you can imagine, is even more challenging. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon that after marriage, the man begins to do less housework and avoid looking after the kids (although, of course, one shouldn't generalize). The woman who is the subject of this story, however, was definitely tired of not getting any help from her husband, so she decided to take a break from everything and everyone to teach him a lesson.

via Reddit

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

The woman told Reddit users that she has a 4-year-old son with her husband. And, of course, being parents is challenging for both of them. "My husband gets home from work at 1am in the morning and then spends at least 2-3 hours unwinding. He doesn't go to bed until 3 or 4am in the morning and basically sleeps all day until he has to leave for work again," the woman said. She is lucky enough to be able to work from home, but her shifts are quite long: 12 hours a day, 4 days a week. Although her husband spends with the family, during the week he is basically absent and the woman is forced to carry out all the household chores on her free days.

It goes without saying that this situation was tough for the woman, especially given her husband's attitude, who claims he is always "tired":

"Before this, he would cook dinner on his days off, take care of all of our son's needs and do some basic housekeeping so that I could get a breather. Now he never cooks dinner, falls asleep on the couch at 7pm, and I find myself caring for my son 24/7 while he doesn't lift a finger to help," said the exhausted woman.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

The woman asked her husband for help, but instead, he went to help a friend who was having problems with his car. When he got home he said he was "too tired" to do anything else. The "I'm tired" and "I need a break" started to wear thin with his wife: "His way of comforting me was to hug me and say, 'You're doing a great job.' He didn't offer to help or do anything." At this point, the woman implemented her escape plan: she took her son to her mother and took 4 days off at the family's mountain cabin - and without saying a word to her husband.

That same night, her husband began to bombard his wife with a series of messages about where their son was and where she was herself. Find out what had happened, the husband became very upset, accusing his wife of being selfish and that she should have told him just how exhausted she was. But the woman's point was that she had been clear about how tired she was, but had been ignored. For this reason, many Reddit users took the woman's side.

What do you think about this story?
