Elderly woman with a disabled daughter has nothing to eat on New Year's Eve: the police help her

by Mark Bennett

January 30, 2023

Elderly woman with a disabled daughter has nothing to eat on New Year's Eve: the police help her

There are perhaps some times when we completely alone and that there is no one we can turn to for help. In reality, we should keep in mind - especially in our most difficult moments - that there is always a solution and someone who will lend us a hand. For older people, it is certainly more difficult - especially if they have no surviving family members or, even worse, have to look after their disabled child. This was the desperate situation in which a 70-year-old woman from Rome - with a disabled daughter - found herself in on New Year's Eve. With no one to turn to for help and nothing to eat, she had very little hope for the future.

via Terzobinario

Furto all'interno del Centro Commerciale, ruba una borsa ma viene fermata: arrestata #PoliziaRomaCapitale È stata ...

Pubblicato da Polizia Roma Capitale su Venerdì 23 dicembre 2022

Loneliness suffered by the elderly is a serious problem. Some describe it as a social scourge, which the government should try to remedy to allow everyone to be able to live in dignity. Unfortunately, this is such a widespread problem that it is very difficult to deal with constructively. Additionally, it is during the holidays that this problem reaches its zenith. A 70-year-old woman, with a disabled daughter to look after, found herself without anything to eat at home on New Year's Eve; she was desperate, so at around 11pm, she decided to call the police for help.

As you can imagine, on December 31st, the police have to deal with a flood of calls. But despite this, the police reached out to help this elderly woman and her daughter.

Wikimedia / Not the actual photo

Wikimedia / Not the actual photo

The operator who took the woman's call immediately forwarded the request to an area patrol, which didn't take long to intervene. Although it was very late, the policemen managed to buy the unfortunate couple something to eat (including a traditional panettone). The woman, of course, thanked the officers warmly for their assistance during this difficult moment in her life.

There are many problems in life and certainly not all of them can be solved easily. But let's remember how important it is to help others and, at the same time, know how to ask for help.
