Homeless father lives in a car with his 10-year-old daughter: the police decide to help him

by Mark Bennett

February 25, 2023

Homeless father lives in a car with his 10-year-old daughter: the police decide to help him

Sometimes, life can be very tough. Mr. James Schweikhard, a 41-year-old single dad from the United States, knows this very well after he found himself living on the streets with his 10-year-old daughter.

All they had was a small van, and after several attempts to find a job or a home in Oklahoma, James moved to Colorado to try his luck. Finding no accommodation, however, he had to live with his daughter in their van.

via Today

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Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

The two arrived in the state of Colorado in the summer and James immediately enrolled his daughter in a school, while trying to find a job to survive. James' daughter's teachers began to suspect that the child was living in unsuitable conditions and reported their concerns to the Lakewood Police. Officer Butler went to see what was going on. Meanwhile, things were going badly for James: his van had broken down and - unable to get to work - he was fired. When he saw Officer Butler coming, James feared that his precarious situation might cost him custody of his daughter. But something unexpected happened.

The police hired a tow truck at their own expense and had James' vehicle repaired free of charge. The mechanic in charge of the repair was so moved by the young dad's story that he decided to spread the word to help him find a new job and a home. In no time, James got five job offers and a small house for an affordable rent. The 41-year-old gladly accepted one of the job offers and was amazed at how quickly the police were able to resolve the problems he had been enduring for nearly two years.

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Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

James' story reached the ears of the entire Lakewood community and almost all the residents offered financial aid, basic necessities and everything possible to allow James and his daughter to restart their lives. Someone donated dishes, someone else a fridge, another a bed, others furniture, and so on. “This gave me back my faith in humanity. I have no words to express all my joy and gratitude," said James.

“It's about being part of the community. I'm amazed we were able to do this so quickly. I've always been taught that you need to lend a hand to those in need. James has had a lot of bad luck," explained Sergeant Dave Hoover: "Now it's up to him, this is a starting point. We are sure that he will do his best", Hoover added.

We wish James and his daughter all the best for the future.
