Young bartender bursts into tears because he can't handle 8-hour weekend shifts (+VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

December 20, 2022

Young bartender bursts into tears because he can't handle 8-hour weekend shifts (+VIDEO)

Working a job is tough and not all of us manage to get a position that suits our aptitudes and skills. "Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life" - this is a well-known expression that describes the ideal situation. What is certain, is that working is necessary to survive and, above all, it should be the main tool used to live in dignity and not simply to "survive". A 25-year-old bartender caused controversy on the web when he had a breakdown during his 8-hour shift: the young man literally burst into tears because of the exhausting shift-work he has to do. Not all users, however, were moved after hearing his story.

via Twitter / SebGorka

Twitter / SebGorka

Twitter / SebGorka

The bartender in this story - who is also a full-time student - said that a 25-hour workweek, with 8-hour shifts on weekends, was just too much for him to handle. He posted his breakdown on Twitter in a video that went viral on the web. In the clip, the young bartender is in tears from the stress and pressure of his job. The young man complains that his bosses do not help their employees in the slightest, leaving to the mercy of hectic working days.

"They refuse to cancel call-in orders, but we bartenders should have the freedom to do this because we cannot handle them all. Then, customers yell at me because their orders aren't ready. I don't know what to do," he explained tearfully. He also said many customers were rude to him due to his appearance. However, many users who watched the young man's clip did not empathize much with him. Why? Well, most of these users work a lot more than 25 hours a week and are not afraid of having to do an 8-hour shift.


"Do I have sympathy for this spoiled kid? Absolutely not," wrote a user, describing that at 17 years old, he was already in the military: "12 hours a day, bad food, terrible weather conditions, constant danger, etc. But it was one of the best times of my life where I made friends that I still have today." In another comment, a user stated: "I work as a nurse and do 16-hour shifts five days in a row". In short, many users stated that "today's young people are all spoiled".

Fortunately, there were also some users who supported the young man and posted positve comments.



Just because so many people accept, without complaint, terrible working conditions, with exhausting hours, this does not mean that those who raise issues like this are weak or "spoiled". Moreover, all jobs are different and it is also necessary to evaluate how toxic the work environment is. This is especially true when the job involves dealing with rude customers.

"This is why everyone hates the older generation. You all keep saying you want the best for our generation and when we try to make things better, you all complain about how much worse everything was in your time. I will never understand why you don't want something better for us," wrote a young woman, summing up the beliefs of many.

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