Waitress works hard to become a nurse: a millionaire client gives her $20,000 to help her pay for her classes

by Mark Bennett

January 15, 2023

Waitress works hard to become a nurse: a millionaire client gives her $20,000 to help her pay for her classes

Not everyone can afford a higher education due to the high cost of college tuition or specialized courses. This problem is felt most in countries like the United States and the story of the young Melissa Mainer, is an example of this.

Melissa knew she wanted to become a nurse, but the path to get there would have been difficult and very expensive: the costs of attending nursing school are quite high and to finance her studies, the young woman decided to ask for a loan and work as a waitress for pay it back.

via CBS News

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Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

When Melissa took out her student loan, she didn't plan to pay it back quickly. However, she decided to enroll in the classes because she wanted to make her dream come true as soon as possible. She knew that she would have to work hard over a long period of time to reduce the debt burden, and at times she felt disheartened that she would not be able to pay it off that easily, even once she qualified.

“I didn't think I've ever seen an end to it,” Melissa explained. The job she had chosen to earn some extra money at was at a Peachtree Restaurant. Melissa became a waitress at the venue, where she often served the same regulars who came every week. Luckily for her, one of those clients was Benjamin Olewine.

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Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

When Mr. Olewine met Melissa, he was retired. He had been president of a large company, and had become a millionaire. After retiring from this job, he devoted himself to donating his fortune to deserving people and causes. When he heard about Melissa's story, he knew he could help. "I know all the waiters. I know their problems. I realized I could help her," Benjamin commented.

Mr. Olewine promised Melissa that he would pay her course fees so that she could attend nursing school without any worries. "Not just a portion of the tuition—Mr. Olewine decided to pay for my classes in full!" Melissa explained. In total, Mr. Olewine contributed more than $20,000 towards Melissa's tuition. "I will never forget his generosity," said Melissa, who continues to meet him at the Peachtree restaurant, but now as a registered nurse for lunch.

This is a wonderful story of generosity, altruism and affection that fills our hearts with happiness.
